door #13
still sickie so i am, once again, using a filler photo, because there's no way i am going to go outside in minus 12 weather just to shoot something. and since we are still on the theme of doors and windows, i have them both on this picture that i took sometime towards the end of february.
the structure is what we know here as a "low-rise" building as opposed to the high-rises that abound in the city. i took a picture of this entrance because i thought it has character, what with the red door, the intricate framing and most of all i am intrigued by the grills just above it, as well as the arrangement of the tiles between the two windows. maybe i shall inquire as to the rent prices of the units in this building, methinks i should like to live there and make a nice entrance everyday!
@dublin912 - john, i suppose i'm in good company, and your talents (including those of my other 365 friends') rub off on me - just making good use of it. thank you!