This Old gardeners shed in The Lost Gardens of Heligan inspired me to write this sort of prose poem.
The gardener laid down his tools and here they remain.
Undisturbed, in the hope that he’d be back in a matter of days,
to resume tending his garden like he’d not been away,
and nothing of any great import had happened
The gardener laid down his tools and here they will stay.
He was seized by patriotic fervour to fight for his king,
and for his country, against those German butchers……
and bakers and candlestick makers
The German gardener laid down his tools and here they remain.
He was fighting for his Kaiser with a similar Zeal,
but with no real reason and no idea why,
these fractious royal cousins needed a war.
The gardener picked up his gun and the whistle was blown.
If they sent enough men against the German guns,
sooner or later they would run out of bullets.
Wel, it would seem that, this was the plan.
The gardener laid down his life and here he remains,
shot by a German gardener who feared for his life.
In less troubled times, they would have been friends,
but in nineteen sixteen, it was not meant to be.
The gardener’s son laid down his tools and here they remain.
In nineteen thirty-nine all those German butchers………
and all of the bakers and candlestick makers
joined with the gardeners and were marching again.
While you are here, why not checkout my contribution to the
@fiveplustwo "in the beginning" theme, over here