Today's abstract is my first letter for the alpha-2013 challenge. Used Color Efex Pro to do some minimal processing but mostly it is close to the original photo.
Related photo is in extras album -
@amandal Thanks Amanda. Movement is what I was going for. @automaticslim Thanks! Entering the alpha challenge at last... @steampowered It's a wine aerator - the exit hole for the wine. I put the aerator on it's "back" on a blue felt background in the direct sun. Then took the photo with the macro looking straight down on it. I think the slight color you can see on the upper left quadrant was a reflection off my sleeve, unfortunately.
@dyswis Thanks for the supportive comment! The alpha challenge is the alphabet 2013 challenge -- I can't find @amandal original posting, but if you search under alpha-2013, photos, you can see others who are participating. The idea is to add another way of looking at things, in terms of letters -- and over this year, post a photo representing each letter in the alphabet. No rules, no special order. The people to tag who are also posting are in the first comment box after the photo above.
@barbsmith@sgiesman@pflaume@vankrey@olivetreeann@photodude Thanks so much. I'm so glad others saw the sense of motion in it. But I can't say I see a breadth, Scott. Love that you do though! Michael, absolutely -- that's the best part!
@ness50 Thanks Vanessa! It's interesting to me how we can create motion through focusing choices. I've learned a lot from this particular photo attempt.
@automaticslim Thanks! Entering the alpha challenge at last...
@steampowered It's a wine aerator - the exit hole for the wine. I put the aerator on it's "back" on a blue felt background in the direct sun. Then took the photo with the macro looking straight down on it. I think the slight color you can see on the upper left quadrant was a reflection off my sleeve, unfortunately.