The L station at Medical Center, University of Illinois at Chicago. Taken on a trip back to Chicago for variety of appointments. Setting up contractor for renovation to our newly purchased condo, given the good news that our renters have found a place to purchase! Very happy, as it means we'll likely be able to move in sometime early fall. YAY!
Processed in Aurora HDR from a single image, then imported to Silver Efex for b&w processing.
Such good news Taffy! I am so pleased for you and Jim! Such a stressful 2 years but the end is in sight! Yay! Great image - perfect symmetry! Those leading lines take your eye on and on forever! Fav!
Fantastic news, Taffy. A brand new chapter of your lives.
Great photo - like it so much that I've googled Aurora HDR - I'm guessing if you use it that your v.impressed with it.
Great photo - like it so much that I've googled Aurora HDR - I'm guessing if you use it that your v.impressed with it.