I Have To Leave Now by taffy

I Have To Leave Now

This black crowned night heron was a beauty. It's a rainy night tonight with lots of lightening so I've been processing some of the many bird shots from the past several weeks. I wish I knew how to capture lighting strikes across the high rise buildings -- it's really dramatic!
Update -- I decided to try for a lightning capture. It took about a half hour and one out of all the shots I took worked, but I'm very excited about it! https://365project.org/taffy/365/2022-05-21
Great sharp focus on his eye! Ditto about the lightening. One day.
May 21st, 2022  
Great capture! Don’t you put the camera on Bulb setting and leave the shutter open to catch the lightening? Mind you I have never tried it! 🤪🤪🤪
Just seen your image in FB - I think you nailed it!
May 21st, 2022  
@pamknowler Yes, that's how to do it, but I didn't think I stood a chance since there is so much ambient lighting that I can't use bulb -- only a second or two even at very low ISO. I stood at the window, though, and held the camera against it to steady it and just took a whole bunch of shots everytime the sky lit up. AND, I got ONE shot!!! Just processed and posted it, but now have to get some sleep! https://365project.org/taffy/365/2022-05-21
May 21st, 2022  
@taffy just seen it and it’s fabulous! Well done!
May 21st, 2022  
I love this photo!
May 21st, 2022  
Amazing capture of that face!
May 21st, 2022  
Such character.
May 21st, 2022  
A superb capture as he is on the verge of flying off ! Amazing eyes ! fav
May 21st, 2022  
Lovely capture
May 21st, 2022  
This is a wonderful bird shot. I love your lightning capture!
May 21st, 2022  
Nice capture
May 21st, 2022  
He is beautiful. Great capture and perfect timing.
May 21st, 2022  
Nice capture
May 21st, 2022  
Congrats on the lightning capture but I do like this heron capture too.
May 21st, 2022  
great capture. And I love your lightning shot!
May 21st, 2022  
Great pose and focus.
May 21st, 2022  
Wonderful how you've captured this bird with its wings outspread.
May 21st, 2022  
Great shot
May 21st, 2022  
Great capture.
May 21st, 2022  
He sure is a beauty
May 22nd, 2022  
May 22nd, 2022  
Great capture. I really like those birds. They look so cool.
May 22nd, 2022  
Nice shot of this one taking off. We see them in our part of FL from time to time.
May 22nd, 2022  
May 23rd, 2022  
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