I like the feeling of there being a tunnel or archway created by the bare branches of the trees. It's a good thing trees are patient creatures — winter is a long thing to wait through.
Excellent perspective taking advantage of the stark perpendiculars on the LHS and more relaxed and devil may care trees opposite...particularly the tree in the forefront tempting us into its outstretched 'tentacles'. PoV super!
@vignousefollower Hi Matt - if you look under Exif in the box on the right of the page, it will show you all my camera settings and you will see that this was taken with a 10mm lens, which has an ultra wide angle field of view - about 110 deg with this camera. Ultra wide angle lenses can distort verticals if the camera is not held exactly square and upright and /or for objects which are very close to the edge of the frame. I don't see any marked distortion in this image, and in any event, the left side has been cropped. If you are referring to the two left-most trees, they are in fact twisted like that.
A wonderful photo, great eye, shot and processing. I love the
dark and black branches and trunk of the foremost tree. Wonderful selective burning perhaps! fav
dark and black branches and trunk of the foremost tree. Wonderful selective burning perhaps! fav
a big big fav