The fun side of the canal... by vignouse

The fun side of the canal...

...this side of the Nantes-Brest canal at Châteaulin is mainly bars and restaurants as a contrast to the 'serious' side I posted yesterday.

This is for the NF-SOOC-September challenge which you can read all about here -

BoB? Oh, yes!

Have fun with this challenge everyone...
Naturally BoB! Still seems to be lots of people here! France is not doing well in the Covid stakes! fav
September 19th, 2020  
Wonderful night reflections
September 20th, 2020  
Lighting and reflections are fantastic.
September 20th, 2020  
Wonderful lighting and reflections.
September 20th, 2020  
that just looks so amazing
September 20th, 2020  
Looks quite busy and popular. Great refections
September 20th, 2020  
Looks like quite the happenin' place!
September 20th, 2020  
Nice symmetry in the reflection
September 20th, 2020  
Neat night shot, reflections, symmetry
September 20th, 2020  
It's a 3 hour drive from Paimpont to Chateaulin...and seeing this aspect...we’re always pleased to arrive ;-) However this trip is different insofar as the imposed rules & regulations vis à vis COVID-19, have affected the ambience.
September 20th, 2020  
Very symmetrical.
September 20th, 2020  
Nice! fav
September 21st, 2020  
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