Norfolk is a beautiful county and it does not disappoint in the bounty of interesting churches and graveyards. I really like the light in this. Will you make it into Norwich on your trip?
I dont know Richard if you have ever read Bill Bryson an American travel writer in 1995 he wrote a book called " Notes from a small island" , in which he travels around England extolling the beauty and uniqueness of the country and it's people, he has just published a follow up ""The road to Little Dribbling, well this is just the kind of place he would have loved....
@ukandie1 Hi Andie, we've driven through the city a couple of times and Mrs S has been shopping with my sister-in-law but I've stayed away this time. My brother and I spent the afternoon visiting historic Norfolk churches and the graveyard appealed to me in this one... might post a pic of the interior in another album