Favourite picture from your project: 30th June to 6th July

July 6th, 2014
Post your favourite photograph from your own project from this past week to share with those who may not otherwise see it and say why that one is your favourite.

To add your picture on to the discussion:
1) Click on your favourite photo and bring up its page.
2) Click on the ellipsis underneath your photo (next to number of comments / favs)
3) Copy the embed code from the box which pops up
4) Come back to the discussion and paste the code in to the "write a reply" box, along with your reason for choosing that photo

July 6th, 2014
- just because I caught the cat at the right time! He had that look on his face and his paw was in the right position to shake hands - so 'please to meet you..I'm Charlie..the Cat Father'
July 6th, 2014
My first attempt at fireworks, went to google and researched settings, practiced Friday and got this Saturday. Very satisfying.
July 6th, 2014
I've been braver about taking pics of strangers. I really like this one.

July 6th, 2014
Photographing cherries is great because you get colourful shots and you can eat them afterwards

July 6th, 2014
I liked the feel I was able to capture in this one.
July 6th, 2014
I loved how the light was reflectiing onto this building:
July 6th, 2014

I just love the colors and the fireworks!
July 6th, 2014
My favourite because I found a way to a get a shot of Jinks before he runs away!
July 6th, 2014
This sunrise taken at the beach

July 6th, 2014
July 6th, 2014
I like this one of a little willow warbler which I had to wait ages to get a shot of him as they are so shy and skittish! A lot of people might think they are only little brown birds but they are very sweet and very very difficult to get a shot of. I had to sit on the opposite bank to get this and crop it.

July 6th, 2014

July 6th, 2014
After a month of self-imposed flower ban, I went straight back in!
July 6th, 2014
I completed year 2 on June 30!

July 6th, 2014
July 6th, 2014
This yummy collage! :)

July 6th, 2014
For me it would be this picture I took out of desperation and lots of people said they liked (pleasant surprise.)
July 6th, 2014
July 6th, 2014
just because it turned out like I had in mind and with a little point and shoot I never use

July 6th, 2014
Because I love silhouettes and birds (but most silhouettes!)
July 6th, 2014
July 6th, 2014
This one for me. I've tried a few mirror shots for this project but this is the first one I've liked
July 6th, 2014
July 6th, 2014
I'm a bit behind this week, but this one of my daughter having fun is my fav so far!
July 6th, 2014
Even though I did a collage as a celebration of 7mths with 365 I have decided this is my favourite photo of the week. Not only because of the sunset but particularly for what happened just before I took the photo lol

July 6th, 2014
@kiwichick What a beautiful and fun photo, great choice :-)
July 6th, 2014
@wearing0 That's a mirror shot??? WOW!!! That is fantastic. I thought there were 4 of them. Brilliantly done :-)
July 6th, 2014
@linnypinny Simply beautiful :-)
July 6th, 2014
@nadaa A wonderful collection of photographs and 2 years!!!! Wow, that's impressive :-)
July 6th, 2014
@yzzilp On this is so soft and so beautiful, lovely shot :-)
July 6th, 2014
My tribute to Monty Python given their current show. I named the photo 'ministry of silly walks' and I just like the stance of this bird - stepping out!
July 7th, 2014
@brianarmoured Wow!!!! Perfect shot and perfectly focused. Well done :-)
July 7th, 2014
@helennor Ha ha ha ha yeah, that is perfect lol Great shot :-)
July 7th, 2014
Took this bald eagle photograph earlier this week using 100% manual settings. Before starting this 365 day project I would have been sunk trying to photograph a flying bird in varying light.
July 7th, 2014

This one because I think it captures the little girl's personality well
July 7th, 2014

I've walked right past this graveyard twice a day for the past year and had been thinking of photographing it for some time as it got more overgrown. On this morning I had my camera and the light was lovely.
July 7th, 2014

@catwoman2 - I just love this photo because it reminds me of simpler times when we did things for ourselves, and we felt good about ourselves because we had completed tasks that involved more than just pushing a button or speaking into a microphone. Thanks for taking me back, Mary.
July 7th, 2014

I shot this yesterday and am really happy with the result. We were just lounging and I'm just taking random pics with my camera. I thought the light on this wall is interesting and I made my son stand in front of it.
July 7th, 2014
This is one of my all time favorites so far in this whole project

July 7th, 2014
Since I just started yesterday, I didn't have much to choose from! Add to that a new camera I'm far from having mastered and you get some simple shots so far. Still, I like the feel of this shot.

July 7th, 2014
July 7th, 2014
No question, it has to be today's portrait of one of the dancers from my ongoing dance project.

July 7th, 2014
This one because I am proud to have finished my ( first) year here!
July 7th, 2014

Posted on June 30th, this was my favorite because of the POV. I felt like a microscopic being sitting on top of the cake looking up at the lit candles.
July 7th, 2014
This perfectly captures my boys' very different personalities.
July 7th, 2014
I really like the light in this one

July 7th, 2014
July 7th, 2014
July 7th, 2014
This one because I had to get up super early to get it :-D

July 7th, 2014
@wenbow Love the colour and close up!

@mzzhope Congrats on 1 year!

@egad that made me smile and I have a couple of grandsons that would fit right in there!
July 7th, 2014
This one because its so colourful
July 7th, 2014
This one really inspired me. Sunflower Garden among the bamboo.
July 7th, 2014
I was thrilled with this shot, then "screwed up" and failed to tag it for the eotb and macro challenges!
July 7th, 2014
I've never got the point of ICM until I tried it for my Get Pushed challenge. Out of my comfort zone and loving it!!!
July 7th, 2014
@nadaa Well done. What a great tribute collage!
July 7th, 2014
@jasonayer Lovely model, great image!
July 7th, 2014
@quietpurplehaze What a character. Great memory photo, Hazel. See what Rog is up to (today's image) - first long ride since heart attack in 2012.
July 7th, 2014
@jayberg I love its simplicity. And, yes, cherries are delicious!
July 7th, 2014
@brianarmoured Excellent result. I've yet to master this technique.
July 7th, 2014
I rarely successfully capture birds! This fellow seemed to be griping at me for doing so!
July 7th, 2014
Really like this one from the Ottawa Bluesfest! Went to see Lady Gaga...nope she's not my subject for this photo.

July 7th, 2014

Because it truly is "Simple" which was my word for the day on my July Photo a Day challenge.
July 7th, 2014
@leanne333 Thanks for the comments Leanne. Much appreciated and I'm pleased you liked the shot.
July 7th, 2014
I'd have to go with this, because I just cracked up when I was looking through them when we got home Saturday night. I had no idea my daughter was right there, or that the water was only shin-deep, so putting them together just seemed *right*
July 7th, 2014
Best edge editing job I've done recently. Besides, the mood turned out beautifully...

July 8th, 2014

A macro of a simple tea bag
July 9th, 2014
Playing around with wine glasses...
July 9th, 2014
This is my view of Paris (it's so interesting to me that the City of Love is mostly grey) and Sacre Coeur from halfway up the Eiffel Tower. I chose it because it was an awesome day with two great, new crazy friends and I've always loved vast skies, moody skies and cloudporn!
July 9th, 2014
I think this may be my favourite from that week. I've been looking for years for the perfect spot (light/background etc) in my garden and by chance I found it this day and got this shot while watching my two sons for once not arguing or attempting to murder each other. I just loved the naturalness of it and the beautiful light. Of course five minutes later they were fighting. Kids! lol

July 9th, 2014
Although it did not attract the the most kudos from viewers this is my personal favorite for the week because it connects so directly with the wonderful interaction and support to be found on 365 project.
from 6 July -
July 10th, 2014
I chose this one because I've never seen a green dragonfly like this and I was pretty excited to get a decent free hand focus on him. He was a lot of fun to chase around too.
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