Camera Settings Challenge - Do you have a DSLR and want to learn how to use the camera settings?

January 5th, 2015
This challenge started in April 2012 when I got my first DSLR and wanted to learn how to use the camera settings. It started out that the winner of the challenge would pick someone else (most of the time) to host the next challenge. Wow, it was so much fun to learn. In those days it was more of a learning tool rather than a contest although we did have voting.

I am wondering if there are a lot of people on 365 in that situation now. Perhaps you had a point in shoot (or use camera from your phone) and now have a DSLR and would like how to use the settings. Or some people have had the camera but usually use auto only since they don't know how to use those other settings.

MY QUESTION: Should we start this challenge from square one - to help those people who want to learn how to use their camera? IF YOU WANT TO LEARN SAY YES I NEED TO LEARN.

MY SECOND QUESTION: If Steve is not able to host the next challenge should we pass the baton to one of the others who was up for the vote (say the 2nd place person)?

MY THIRD QUESTION: Has the interest in this challenge died and we should just let it go?

MY FOURTH QUESTION: If we start from scratch would YOU be willing to be on the "expert" list that Newbie DSLR users can draw upon.

MY FIFTH QUESTION: Should we continue the challenge as it has been going and just keep adding to it rather than start over for newbie DSLR users.

Photos voted on: @stevecameras @lambda @zosimasy @zosimasy @summerfield @flyrobin

@beschnett @clake @grammyn @voiceprintz @la_photographic @lambda @spanner @bill_fe @bigugly @aponi @aponi @leestevo @lfrans @jocasta @kiwiflora @dh @brigette @adayinmallacoota @nataliemac @nataliemac @taffy @april16 @kriema @annied @tommiel @darylo @hwhittle77 @hwhittle77 @annamaker @milaniet @mbemis @kph129 @kali66 @yaorenliu @snaphappi @ukandie1 @flyrobin @kjarn @frankhymus @ethelperry @oreos808 @andy_holding @jennywren @kwiksilver @francoise @ounooi @barneyone @lisatown @paulam @polarvrtx @mariadarby @markp @nicoleterheide @irisn @homeschoolmom @icamera @overalvandaan

January 5th, 2015
I'd say start it again from scratch. I'd say we've about run through all of the often used and most of the esoteric ones too. Anything I can do to assist, let me know.
January 5th, 2015
I agree with Frank. It's a valuable way of learning to control your camera, and it doesn't hurt any of us to get back to basics from time to time too.
January 5th, 2015
I agree with what the others said :)

I'd be willing to help out although I am not sure I really qualify as an "expert"...
January 5th, 2015
YES I WANT TO LEARN!!!! I say start from scratch!!!!!
January 5th, 2015
@northy Perhaps I shouldn't use the term "expert". I feel I could help mentor as well but yes perhaps we should use the term experienced.
January 5th, 2015
I'm fully in favour of starting the challenge again. Not really sure that I can be of any assistance but I'm happy to try.
January 5th, 2015
Definitely start from scratch. :)
January 5th, 2015
"Experienced" is better :)
January 5th, 2015
yes, I need to learn !
January 5th, 2015
YES I WANT TO LEARN - will this also apply to a compact systems camera - Sony a6000?
January 5th, 2015
@quietpurplehaze Sometimes, I think that will depend on what specific topic is covered that week.
January 5th, 2015
January 5th, 2015
Let's start this again for sure! The couple of times I participated in it, I learned a bunch of things I had no idea about before! Let's start it from the beginning.
January 5th, 2015
Start again...because Yes, I want to Learn too...that is my biggest goal this year (fourth year in and I finally want to LEARN it and not just shoot!)
January 5th, 2015
Yes I want to learn ..... I really just play about and get shots sometimes by pure luck.
January 5th, 2015
I don't have a DSLR but I'll try to do things with my bridge cam... I think starting new is good :)
January 5th, 2015
Even non-DSLR cameras have settings. My camera isn't DSLR, but I have participated. It's a great way for everyone to learn settings. If they start it up again, I'll participate, as long as you don't make it for DSLR only.
January 5th, 2015
Sounds like a great idea.
January 5th, 2015
Yes indeedy, start again from scratch—having taken a year away and gotten lazy with my camera, it's EXACTLY what I need. Like for instance just yesterday I discovered Back Button Focus (how did I not know about it before?), and I'm realizing that if I stick with it daily, it's going to be a game changer.

I'm sure this must have come up before, but it would probably good to think about the distinction between the Settings Challenge and the Technique Challenge, too... yes?
January 5th, 2015
This would be a fantastic experience for me to learn how to use the settings, Great idea :)
January 5th, 2015

I say start from scratch too :) It's such a great tool for starting out and I don't think we should worry about repeating "lessons" - there is always more to learn! I've had my DSLR for five years now, but there are still so many settings I don't know or understand. Even now I still often default back to auto if I don't have something particular in mind already and I just want to capture the scene.
January 5th, 2015

Thank you - maybe I can dip in and out!
January 5th, 2015
yes.. why not.. some functions i feel quite comfortable with - others less so... so I'll probably dip in and out
January 5th, 2015
Start from scratch, please!
January 5th, 2015
A great theme for anyone who wants to get better. The timing is perfect for a 're-boot' of the theme, without regard to what has already been addressed. I think this thread is one of the great ones for those fairly new to the site.
I'm happy to help for Nikon users, though not an expert at all.
January 5th, 2015
@squamloon and what they said - difference between technique challenge
January 5th, 2015
Great idea. Yes, I'd like to join in and start from scratch. I'm a bit 'experienced' so would be happy to help/mentor
January 5th, 2015
Yes please...start from the basics or from the beginning please . I have been on this project for a year and still have not learn everything.
January 5th, 2015
My camera is a bridge camera can I learn anything useful?
January 5th, 2015
Yes please start from the basics.
January 5th, 2015
Love this challenge, I vote start with a clean slate!
January 5th, 2015
Start again from the scratch, love to learn and if I can help that is fine
January 5th, 2015
I vote for starting from scratch and would love to be included.
January 5th, 2015
Yes, let's have this challenge again.....I was not aware of it the first time around, but I would be very interested in it since I got a new camera with way too many settings and controls!! I am a Nikon user, and fairly comfortable with my previous DSLR camera, the D90, and I would be happy to help with any questions I can answer, and also looking forward to some new knowledge! We all learn together....and, for anything else there is Google, and @frankhymus, and @abirkill, who have been incredibly helpful in the past!
January 5th, 2015
Same as above. I don't really no the difference between camera settings and technique challenge, as with technique, you also use your camera settings.
January 5th, 2015
@grammyn I imagine you will be able to do most of the challenges with your bridge camera
January 5th, 2015
@squamloon @brigette
The difference between Camera Settings Challenge and Technique Challenge is:

Camera Settings Challenge is to learn different settings on the camera. Sometimes using a specific technique helps practice that setting. For instance to learn about using a fast shutter speed the technique used may be freezing action. Those who host the challenge should always keep in mind is that the goal is to learn a camera setting NOT the technique specifically. But often the best way to understand that setting will be trying a technique so you can see if you got it right.

Technique Challenge is not about learning camera settings but specific results. It could be using a specific software (although that hasn't been used much). It could be portrait photography, high key, Black & white photography, it could be getting water crowns etc. etc. Often to help learn how to get that results you may need to know specific settings as well.

Sometimes they do tend to cross over.
January 5th, 2015
yes I would like to be involved as there is so much I need to learn. It would be a great help while having fun
January 5th, 2015
Yes I want to learn!
January 5th, 2015
@quietpurplehaze Certainly your Sony A6000 has all the controls typical of a mid range DSLR, so for sure.
January 5th, 2015
This sounds like a great idea, and starting from scratch would be great, especially for newcomers
January 5th, 2015
Yes, I want to learn.....bucket item for new camera!
January 5th, 2015
Definately! :) from scratch or otherwise
January 5th, 2015
@myhrhelper Thanks! Makes total sense.
January 5th, 2015

Thanks very much - hope this will also help me!
January 5th, 2015
I'd say start from scratch. And I'd definitely join in. There is so much to learn - and remember. Just go for it, and decide on the first topic and then the winner can go on from there.
January 5th, 2015
I am in the "want to learn" camp. I vote for "start from scratch." This is the year that I am hoping to learn, not just shoot. It may make my project less conventionally "pretty," but it is the only way I can see to make progress. Work is busy this year, but I would like the chance to try to follow along, dip and out, participate when I can. Thanks!
January 5th, 2015
I'm interested in practising the different features.
January 5th, 2015
Yes! Start over. I'll be glad to chime in as a helper. I have AI Servo down and my famous (haha)"sock monkey" demo available. I think we could just start from beginning. I credit this challenge and one night stand challenges as the most helpful learning challenges for learning the settings of the camera in some form of manual mode!
January 5th, 2015
Yes, I need to learn!

I always use the auto function on my camera, which is sort of a waste since I did spend a lot of money on it and would like to know how to use it properly.
January 5th, 2015
@theresefriis You are exactly where I was April 2012 - and because of the challenge I am now comfortable being one of the mentors! You will want to follow the challenges and take part in them and learn.
January 5th, 2015
I don't have DSLR, but I do have a bridge camera that has full manual control, is that suitable for this??
January 5th, 2015
I believe it would - if there are any challenges that doesn't fit you would just sit out for that specific challenge but it is about learning those manual settings.
January 6th, 2015
YES PLEASE! start from scratch. even after two photography courses I have no idea how to begin using my camera manually. It is my goal for 2015. This is my second year on 365 and I have learned so much from seeing others photos and can understand how much more you can achieve from using your camera manually.
January 6th, 2015
also Kathy, how do I get to know what the challenge is?
January 6th, 2015
@jantan Thanks Jan! Pehaps I'll give it a go then!
January 6th, 2015
Absolutely, starting over sounds like a great idea. I also will be willing to help out.
January 6th, 2015
I am totally on board with starting this over. When I first joined here I went back through the earlier ones they were so good. I have missed some and really it wouldn't hurt to do a few again anyway.
January 6th, 2015
Just got my first DSLR, I'd like to give it a shot!
January 6th, 2015
Yes, I want to learn. I've been shooting pictures for quite some time, but there is so much for me to still learn. I'd like to just start at the beginning, at square one, and work through with the group. Please, keep me informed if you start something. I am very interested.
January 6th, 2015
Would love to help out Kathy. I too shy away a bit from the idea of "expert" but I have been using a camera manually for about 6 years and may have something to offer (feel free to scan my project and ignore my offer if I am just delusional :) ) I've never really managed to participate in the challenges yet as a photo a day is challenge enough for me with little kids, but if I can be of any help I am more than happy to answer questions etc :)
January 6th, 2015
I'd been keen to participate and also help where I can - My camera stays on manual but that does not make me an expert but I love passing on what I know.
January 6th, 2015
I'm new here. I'd like to participate too, as I'm mostly self taught... Some functions I'm familiar with and others not to much. I think it would be a great learning tool and opportunity to help also.
January 6th, 2015
Yes. I have a lot to learn!
January 6th, 2015
I think a restart is long overdue. I know you could go back and attempt the previous challenges but you miss out on the sense of involvement and the feedback you get from an active discussion.
January 7th, 2015
I would love to participate!
January 7th, 2015
yes i want to learn!
January 8th, 2015
Yes please - from scratch would be great for me.
January 8th, 2015
Yes from scratch. I can't seem to get on manual and stay. HELP
January 11th, 2015
Yes I need to learn
January 11th, 2015
Yes I would like to learn more about my camera.
I would also like to know how to put a photo where the little face is next to my reply...
January 11th, 2015
Yes I need to learn - definitely!
January 12th, 2015
Thank you, looking forward to learning more about my DSLR!
January 12th, 2015
January 12th, 2015
Very cool! :) Looking forward to it! :)
January 12th, 2015
@alinz in the banner at the top of the page, click on 'you' go to settings, click on picture and you can upload any picture. That picture will become your profile picture. Hope this helps!
January 12th, 2015
January 12th, 2015
Looking forward to. :-)
January 12th, 2015
Looking forward to do it and I will learn a lot.
January 12th, 2015
thankyou. It will be my first "challenge" so I am looking forward to it. I must admit I will be nervous without my "trainer wheels" :)
January 12th, 2015
@cruiser We will start with the training wheels on so you will do great!
January 12th, 2015
Sweet, looking forward to it :)
January 12th, 2015
Excellent - look forward to it!
January 12th, 2015
January 12th, 2015
Awesome! Thank you for getting this going again Kathy.
January 12th, 2015
Thank you
January 12th, 2015
yes, I WANT TO LEARN, have had mine for a few years now a feels still need to learn so very much
January 12th, 2015
@darylo We have put together a list of challenges. Would you be able to do one of focus? I will get you the initial list of subjects
January 12th, 2015
@craazyal might be a good one for you to join!
January 12th, 2015
Thanks Kathy, looking forward to this one!
January 12th, 2015
@andrina oh I've just found this message thanks Sis. What's it all about?
January 12th, 2015
@craazyal The challenge gets you to learn how to use c the different features and settings on your camera. Each time is a different setting put forward and the idea is to get you off automatic and to using your manual mode. I think we should be able to take part with most of it with this model of bridge camera!
January 12th, 2015
Thanks, Kathy. I look forward to it.
January 13th, 2015
@myhrhelper I'd like to participate, too. Just jumped right in with my camera. Time to go back and learn the basics.
January 13th, 2015
hi all new to 365 and about to purchase my first DSLR a bit excited and also nervous would love to be included in this to help me learn :)
January 15th, 2015
@sparkle71 You will LOVE IT! I completely remember what that was like and the camera settings challenge is what helped me to really learn how to use it. At first i was confusing but so much fun at the same time. Welcome to 365!
January 15th, 2015
@salza Thanks Sally, I am now a Pohutakawa flower (NZ Christmas tree) - as I don't have many decent shots of "me"
January 15th, 2015
@alinz glad you were able to post a profile picture! Since I have a major aversion to selfies (or any picture of me) I have one of my precious fur kids as my profile pic! You can change your picture anytime you like by following the same process.
January 15th, 2015
Can I ask how the challenges work? I'm new to 365 as of Jan 1, and at the moment I'm using my project as a daily photoblog of sorts - I've only just discovered the "discuss" area.

I have a dslr and know enough about it and photography to mostly get the results I want, but would love to learn more! :)
January 15th, 2015
@sarahsthreads we will tag and post the challenge. They will be posted in the challenges. You just follow along take your photo using the settings given post on your page as normal and enter code on discussion page for feedback. We will walk you through as we go forward! Welcome to 365!
January 16th, 2015
@myhrhelper OK, I'd like to be involved! One more quick question... Does every photo I take for the week need to reflect that week's challenge?
January 16th, 2015
@sarahsthreads absolutely not which photos you want to take for the week is completely up to you.
February 6th, 2015
I want to learn!
February 23rd, 2015
Would like to join in also. Sounds great
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