How can I get rid of a follower?

February 4th, 2017
Hey guys

I did the project for two years and gave up for 2016. I had reasons for giving up, one of them being planned surgery to my feet and consequent immobility for a little while but one of my big reasons was that I had one follower who was driving me insane. Whilst it is nice to have every photo a fav and every one described as "awesome" or "great" or "cool" - when it is every single one without fail and without any sort of discrimination for the mediocre ones (I would say I was proud of one a week maybe, by no means all) or variety from those three words, it becomes waring and feels like stalking. I got to the point when my heart would sink every time this person popped up in my in-box.

I started back in 2017 with renewed vigour and this person started right on up again. I did reply to one comment on a filler - fav and awesome - saying er no it really wasn't this time. I got depressed about it and stopped again for a couple of weeks. Back on today and same thing immediately. How can I stop this? I have un-followed the person but why can't I get them off my follower list?? I find this so disheartening and sink when I see the name in my in-box, I am on the point of stopping altogether and deleting my account. I am on several other forums, doing a diploma with the IoP and working towards a Licentiate with the RPS. I need to be pushed with positive and real critique not with this one person and their indiscriminate awesome.

Sorry but this person has now caused me to stop first for a year and then for a month. If I can't stop them, I'm afraid I'm off for good.

February 4th, 2017
Unfortunate that it happens but don't quit if you enjoy it. I would suggest contacting Ross, the site host, at and ask him for assistance. Hopefully he can assist especially if you enjoy the wonderful interaction here at 365Project - good luck Candia.
February 4th, 2017
I have always understood that it's not possible to get rid of followers. I have also found that I can't unfollow folk which I would sometimes like/need to do so as to maintain a manageable commenting 'load' for myself.

Ross, @scrivna, can you help, please?

@candia Candia, do please try to hang in there as I feel it must be possible to sort this out.
February 4th, 2017
Do all your other followers give you positive, real critique? I read lots of beautifuls and wonderfuls and lovelys as well as your awesome guy (who does vary it from time to time) but i am not sure you can expect much more out of people trying to keep up with commenting. I suspect if he reads this post, it may have the desired effect of stopping him.
February 4th, 2017
tell Richard to get lost
February 4th, 2017
@billy52 hahahahahaha - poor guy, writes so many decent comments to so many 365ers he follows
February 4th, 2017
@candia I've just sent you an email - we'll get this sorted.
February 4th, 2017
@billy52 will do!
February 4th, 2017
Ahww. If the person is not saying mean things or being obnoxious why would his comments bother you? Many times I view other's photos and only have time to say "awesome shot" or "great capture". When something really stands out I try to add specifics to my comment. I hope the people I follow don't want me to go away because I make short repetitive comments. I appreciate any comment because it lets me know someone viewed my picture... Just my opinion
February 4th, 2017
I would be happy if someone will fave all my pictures with or without comments---I always comment "Awesome,Awesomeness, cool----:(-most of the time I only comment 💜----(Meaning,I love it) --it's not easy to comment you know, specially if youre dyslexic, or if you're short of time and doing your best u can to catch up when you're working two jobs, I don't think its fair to block someone because of his or her repetitive comments or too much faving, why so much HATE ?? and I agree with @dmdfday ----:)
February 4th, 2017
just had a look if you look he has over 50,000 favs - I really wouldn't take it so personally, he actually seems like a lovely guy, takes time to comment and fave.
February 4th, 2017
@quietpurplehaze you can unfollow Hazel...just go to friends list and remove
February 4th, 2017
Sometimes it is hard to think of a lot of words to write but you want to let someone know you have seen and like their image....I I am sure most of us do...every word and fav someone takes the time to leave
February 5th, 2017
@annied Thank you, Annie - my thoughts exactly.
February 5th, 2017
@annied Absolutely agree Ms Annie! Without knowing the back story and the ins and outs of what is really going on here, let's not make a mountain out of a mole hill................people take time to leave a comment/fav which means they are being generous with their time, which they actually don't need to do! As Ingrid @ingrid2101 points out, let's not take this personally........we don't want to denigrate somebody that is only trying to be nice! @dmdfday @joemuli Also agree with your comments ❤️
February 5th, 2017
@annied yep
February 5th, 2017
@candia - Had a follower that we mutually followed one another. Over time they became very busy with things non-photographic. They began to continually give one word comments for my photos, as well as other people's. I admit that after a prolonged period of time it began to annoy me. But for the life of me I can't give a good reason why. They eventually quit commenting all together. I then began to feel guilty because of my earlier frustration with them. Now they have become almost inactive on the Project. I hope I didn't play a part in their becoming inactive. Like @dmdfday @joemuli @annied @gigiflower I have no idea if there is more to the story, but I hope this can be worked out peacefully. There are actually people in this world that have a very positive outlook on life.
February 5th, 2017
honestly i cant help but wonder why couldnt you just be honest with the person.. a bit nasty really, i know you didnt name him but if he reads this he is going to feel really crappy. just asking how to remove a follower would have been better without the specifics... people have lots of reasons to do what they do they way they do it, your reaction to it is your own.
February 5th, 2017
So the person is just coming in saying they like your photo, faving it and moving on. By no means are they prying into your life, trying to make contact with you, finding out from your photos all about you, showing up and taking photos at the same locations, which would indicate a real problem (and happened to a friend of mine here). This really does not sound like a problem other than annoyance. There are some people here that may have more time than the rest of us and can dedicate their time to the hard work that we have shown and may look forward each day to seeing people post things that they may not get to see or be able to do. But now with the post you may have made them really uncomfortable and that they are being judged for being positive.
February 5th, 2017
Just putting my two cents in for what its worth about commenting. I know nothing about this specific situation, so this is about commenting in general.

I know that I run to the computer every chance I get to check if someone has commented on one of my pictures - mediocre or great, a quick diary shot or a shot that I have spent hours working on. It is those comments that connect me in a concrete way to the rest of this awesome community. I fear I would not last long without them as those comments reaffirm the reality that there is actually someone out there that is viewing my work and cares enough to comment.

I throughly enjoy each and every comment - even the one word ones. And yes, sometimes I wish people would be honest about the pics I post when they are nothing but garbage in my eyes, but also realize that they are probably being tactful. And sometimes, the lack of comments let me know that my photo is not up to snuff.

I try to comment on each and every photo uploaded by all the people I follow - hope that if doesn't offend anyone. Sometimes it is just a one word comment but usually more. It takes a lot of time to be sure, but it is my way of giving back to this community that supports me in so many ways. I find I am at the top limit of how many people I can follow (and comment) on so I am very discriminating on the ones I will now follow.

I guess what I am trying to say is that we all do the best we can, and while others may do things differently, it is these differences that make 365 such a wonderful community.
February 5th, 2017
I am sure this person doesn't mean to make you feel like being "stalked" at. This follower may be commenting on everyone's photos that appear in their 365 feed. Having been with the group for a while, this person may only be helping make everyone, both newbies and veterans, part of the 365 family. I personally look forward to any comments and favs in my project. I take pride in them, even though I may post a filler at times.

Please don't stop or leave your project. Stay.
February 5th, 2017
This poor person... They did nothing wrong and yet they're being publicly dragged through the mud. I guess I should stay away from following you.

Commenting on photos is not a crime. Faving photos is not a crime. No one is stalking or attacking you. As someone who favs lots and lots of photos (about 40,600 since basically May 2016), its hurtful and worrying to see someone so upset about someone who simply likes their photos.

I don't fav, or leave short few-word comments on occasion, because I'm stalking anyone. I fav photos because I like them. It could be for literally any reason. Maybe its of a cute kid or pet. Maybe its technically stunning. Maybe its a quick grainy shot but it has lovely color, dof, or mood. Maybe its a beautiful setting or there's an interesting story or well researched information. I don't discriminate with my favs; if I like something, I click the star. Hopefully no one thinks this poorly of me just because I enjoy their shots.

If you really dislike people responding to your work in their own way, honestly you shouldn't post it online. Not everyone is at the same (or higher) skill level so not everyone can provide useful critique. Not everyone has time to make long in-depth comments. And some people simply don't want critique so its generally more polite not to offer any unsolicited advice if you don't know the creator. Some people don't speak the same language and can't offer much more than a word or two that the creator will understand.

I'm truly sorry to see this has upset you so much but its really nothing to be so scared of. You are not being stalked in any way. You have chosen to put your work (and in a way your life, due to the nature of the project) online. Someone saying "cool" or "awesome" on every photo you post is really one of the nicest things that can happen in response to posting things you've created on the internet.
February 5th, 2017
Oh, and one thing I forgot to specifically mention. Just because you think one of your photos (or any other thing you've made) is bad doesn't mean others will agree. I've considered photos trash and been absolutely stunned to see all the kind comments and favs they get. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, after all, and everyone has their own eyes!
February 5th, 2017
I'm sorry but I don't get it. Someone favs all your photos and writes nice one or two word comments on them and you respond by trying to get them blocked. If you don't think this follower is genuine in their favs and comments just ignore it, they are not doing you any harm.
February 5th, 2017
I personally am grateful for everyone who reacts to one of my photos, even if its just a word or a fav ...but if it bothers you, then one option would be to mark your photos "private" or "restricted to approved friends" when you upload them. That way you could continue on 365 and have control over who sees your pics. Just thought that I would mention this as an option.
February 5th, 2017
Visited this hoping to find something helpful on how one can remove followers who have given up on 365. Is there a way?

Feel a bit sorry for the person concerned. Personal view is that they are only trying to be supportive.

I have one follower who kindly comments on every single one of my images and I really do have to take my hat off to her for being my most dedicated and loyal follower. As a follower I'm pretty sure I do a lousy job by comparison.
February 5th, 2017

Annie, I've done that - for some folk I've done it multiple times, from my list, also from my follow on their profile - they disappear initially but they always come back again!
February 5th, 2017
Fraid I only give a one word response or Fav as I simply don't have enough time. As with many when I first started I spent hours looking at 365 and not taking photos. Now I spend hours taking photos and not on 365.
Sorry you feel that way about this follower but I think enjoy their praise(short as it is) and carry on.
February 5th, 2017
@kali66 you got right to the truth of it - now the man has me following him because he takes beautiful owl shots and seems like a gem of a person
February 5th, 2017
@quietpurplehaze ahhh
I have removed people from friends list...because they have been inactive for a while .... and it seemed to work...
glitches on here do hapoen I have noticed...that's technology for you
February 5th, 2017

Annie, I do wonder if it's to do with my laptop and Windows 10. Since we installed the latter we had to alter the brightness of the screen every time we logged on and the techie people said nothing to be done. (laptop too old - 4 years!) But now after several months, the problem has resolved itself. I wonder if this glitch with 365 will do the same! Not a huge deal anyway. Thanks for your interest!
February 5th, 2017
@quietpurplehaze you're welcome...hope it sorts itself out ☺
February 5th, 2017

New laptop! (I joke!)
February 5th, 2017
@quietpurplehaze ha! Sounds like a plan 😆
February 5th, 2017
I'm almost speechless, I think Carissa @claycameras has summed up my thoughts beautifully. I am over the moon when someone does give me critique to help improve my photography, but it's wonderful to know that someone has taken a small part of their day to view my photo and leave a small acknowledgment, even if it is one word.

@cottiac To remove an inactive person that you have followed just click on:
- your project
- friends
and then just click on unfollow. This seems to work for me.

February 5th, 2017
I'm with @claycameras on this one, and with everyone else who can't understand this reaction...

I appreciate every comment and fav, no matter who it is or what they say, and I always feel genuinely guilty when I don't have the time to comment as much (which is often). I'm very aware that not everyone has the time, so each one means something to me. Comments and favs are what make this site work the way it does. I just don't see the problem here.

There's a Support/Feedback/Contact link on the website - I think that should have been your first port of call. To start a public discussion and refer to it as stalking is not cool.
In my humble opinion.
February 5th, 2017
I love and appreciate every visit, comment and fav on my project, I too am guilty of the one worder at times. It made me feel very sad for the person in question, perhaps a follow will make things a little brighter for him.
February 5th, 2017
@deborah63 I agree! Critique is nice, and 365 users are always so wonderfully helpful, but anyone taking time to appreciate my photos is awesome. Even if its just a word or fav, I love it.

A huge part of the 365 community is the connections - comments, favs, discussions. People truly care about one another, want to help others feel included/motivated, and form friendships. For the most part people here are very genuine, kind, and welcoming. Its a unique and wonderful community!
February 5th, 2017
I wouldn't let it get to me. I had a follower who always said "awesome shot" to me and everyone else. I think it was just her way of letting us know she had looked at our pictures. Just skip by quickly if it annoys you, but if you quit the project because of that, you are only hurting yourself.
February 5th, 2017 are irritated by someone taking time to comment on photos. I wish I had the time to look through and comment on everyone's "awesome" or "cool" shots. Like others have said, I enjoy knowing that people are looking at my photos, even the not so good ones taken with my phone. Let's hope this person doesn't read all of the discussions on here. If so, their feelings may be a little more than hurt!!!!!
February 5th, 2017
Wow, is right. Perhaps I should just stop commenting. I'm sure I'm guilty of quick one word responses but certainly did not think it would be so offensive to one.I like to look at everyones pics but done usually have a lot of time to give detailed commentary. I like to let people know I looked at an like their pic- acknowledge that I saw it.
February 5th, 2017
I suspect the person doesn't know it bothers you and is just trying to be encouraging. I've seen the name appearing repeatedly on other people's photos so it's not as if you're being singled out. I agree that it can be frustrating at times to only get comments like that when you want real critique, but it's not like it's anything offensive/ rude so I don't see what harm is being done
February 5th, 2017
I wasn't going to comment, but decided I need to. I don't understand the anger and I feel SO bad for the person being talked about. I am always very grateful for every one-word comment and especially a fav. I sincerely hope he doesn't change his ways. There are many, many more of us who appreciate him than don't. I agree with many of the well-written comments here, so won't repeat them. Afraid I am guilty of one-word comments too, I just want people to know I saw their photo and liked it and I never dreamed it would offend anyone.
February 5th, 2017
If you're really wanting a critique on a photo or on all your photos you could write in your description that you'd appreciate critique on it. Otherwise people often feel bad offering something in case of offending. Over the years I've seen so many people offer a single word comment day after day, but that's just their way of letting people know they've viewed your photo. Others simply fav photos with no comment, which is just their preference. Sometimes I have busy weeks where I am unable to comment on my news feed photos, but I still scroll through and enjoy them. Each of us does what we can to keep this wonderful community going :) I sure hope you haven't upset your follower by this post, as it sounds like they offer a lot to 365.
February 5th, 2017
Like @lynnz I wasn't going to comment, but I find that I have to.
I am guilty of one word comments on a lot of shots, like most other people at some point - this is due to time, the fact that I follow a lot of people and sometimes because everything that I could have said has already been said by the time I get there.
Like others here I feel very sorry for the person that you're complaining about. Although you haven't named him (and I can say "him" because by looking at your photos - and please don't think I'm "stalking" you - it's easy to figure out who you want to drag down and ridicule in public).
I am thankful for everyone who comments and/or favs shots that I post, regardless of what that comment is - whether it's a simple one word comment, critique or witty observation. It doesn't matter to me how a person chooses to comment or show appreciation of a shot - what does matter is that they are there, showing appreciation.
I have had people, including "respected" local photographers, actively encouraging me to put down my camera, making snide comments and passing judgement me on me for the way I do things and I imagine that what you've done here feels much the same for the person that has mortally wounded you by commenting and faving your shots.
I actually find myself wondering if you get just as insulted and upset when people don't comment on or fav your work.
February 5th, 2017
@deborah63 I was meaning people that followed me. Not the other way round. Just fussy not really needed 😁

I now feel sorry for the writer of this post as well as the person it was written about.

I'm pretty sure the writer is aware of how many of us feel it to be a little hurtful/offense - however perhaps we can consider the matter concluded to save repeating the offense...?

After all we are a nice inclusive community and want to stay that way from what I've seen, and it appears that Ross's attention has been gotten to assist on this matter.
February 6th, 2017
@candia I hope the comments haven't discouraged you. I think what we are all trying to say is that we are all guilty of short brief comments but it's a way to let the person know we viewed their picture. And every comment means someone has taken the time to view our photos. I have several people that have been following me from the beginning of my journey and I tend to seek them out to comment so I don't lose contact. Hang in there and enjoy the journey.
February 6th, 2017
Well wow, this was not at all what I expected when I wrote the question. Clearly I should have done and equally clearly I have stirred some anger which was certainly not my intention. All I was looking for was a button to click on and it appears that I have instead clicked on a lot of people's sensitivity buttons. For that I apologise to everybody.

So let me tell you what I think 365 is all about. What it is certainly not about for me is any feeling that I want or expect people to comment on my photos for the sake of doing so and noting they've seen them. I would welcome any critique positive or negative on any of my images and I would hope that people looking at the images I post can tell the difference between a filler and a picture I've tried hard to create.

For me, the biggest joy is getting a picture I'm proud of on the trending or popular boards and when it has happened, there is no-one more excited than me. But I just don't see the point of posting on a bad image as a button clicking exercise and yes it does irritate when it is evident that no discrimination or discernment has been applied.

So how do I view others? Like most of us, I lead a very busy life and I don't have time to spend hours gazing at the images posted routinely by those I follow. I tend to look at the first couple of pages on the home board maybe twice a day or maybe just when I am posting myself so it is a question of timing as to whose photos I look at. I never comment negatively on bad photos and I only comment on those that impress me. This doesn't always mean because it is a well constructed photo or a lovely piece of art. It may be a rubbish photo of a cute subject or something that amuses me. So I am only purist to an extent but on the whole, I comment on a photo that I would aspire to take. I also try to write a sentence to explain exactly what I think is good about the photo and why.

I do post on other boards that offer constructive criticism as part of the learning process and I appreciate that as a way of growing my photography. For me, that is what this project is all about - growth in the application of the art, constantly learning from the work of others and, above all, getting better. It is not - fundamentally - about having people stop by and look at my snaps and I find it very patronising that anyone would think that I want that and rather beyond my comprehension that anyone would want that from me. We all post snaps from time to time - there is a calendar to fill after all.

So this discussion has left me in a bit of a quandary. I am far too thick skinned to get upset by hurtful comments - although I thought some of the more sarcastic ones were rather stupid - but it does leave me questioning the merits of continuing with this particular forum. As it happens - due to pressure of work and other things - I have already failed on taking a photo a day every day which was my resolution this year. I achieved it in 2014 due to dogmatic determination. I deliberately didn't in 2015 but as a result the project started to bore me. I wanted to go back to the 2014 spirit and haven't achieved that this early in the year. So there is a big part of me that feels I have already lost the plot on it. And now I discover that my goals are very different from a lot of those on this board and that many of you seek simple attention rather than growth in your art. I know I can't go along with that as a concept so I think I may need to stick with my other forums and give this one a miss.

Not completely decided but well along the way to that course of action.

February 6th, 2017
@candia perhaps an apology to just one person regardless of your decision to stay or leave
February 6th, 2017
I agree with Catherine. You should apologize to the person you publicly shamed, no matter what you do.

But to be frank... and this is likely to be an unpopular response among the other users here... it honestly sounds as if 365 may not be the best place for you to post your daily photos. If getting short comments or comments without critique bothers you so much, this really may not be the place for you. Most people seem to leave shorter comments genuine to their feelings (thinking a shot, even if its bad, is cool/awesome/interesting to them) instead of long critiques.

If you can't understand why people enjoy the short comments, to the extent that you consider it so patronizing, then this really may not be the community for you. If you consider many people and how the general community does things here patronizing... well, it sounds like your decision is already made. Why would you want to stay and risk people commenting things you don't like?

Though, since you have insulted us, I consider it very patronizing that you seem to believe those of us who commented here have no interest in growth. Not everyone cares about being the best photographer ever, of course, and that's perfectly okay. Some people just want to take pictures of their year and that's fine. But many of us strive to improve and do our best as much as we can. And we sure do plenty of that!

However that does not mean we want a cold emotionless experience. 365 has an amazingly unique community. Those comments you consider stalkerish are part of that. The human connection is part of that. Simple comments over time can evolve into friendships that span the globe. Some people get so close they visit one another, even if they live in different countries! Its amazing that a simple photo site can lead to that. But it does, because the community is so caring and friendly.

Its not about "looking at snaps"; its about the community and being connected to one another. That's what sets this place apart. You may not understand or want that, and that's fine. But that's what I, and many others, cherish about this place. Growth and community are not mutually exclusive.
February 6th, 2017
people here are on the whole very kind and sociable and have rallied to defend one of their own , understandable . there are ways to get the kind of critique and feedback you are after, if you had more of that perhaps this person (who i note has stuck with you through thick and thin) wouldnt stand out in your comments so much, i would suggest finding like minded people here, and there are many, by finding people who comment in the vein you like and follow them, maybe they will follow you back and you can get a dialogue going, there used to be a critique-me tag, but not sure if it is used much any more, often people post a discussion asking for specific feedback and that could be a starting point for you, but you would have to put some time and effort into networking and creating relationships. there are other places that might offer cold hard critique if that is what you prefer.
February 6th, 2017
For me, 'How can I get rid of a follower?' was a less than tactful way of introducing a discussion. Images are powerful - but so is language.
February 6th, 2017
@claycameras @kali66
well said Carissa and Kali
I love this site because of the community - I have learned a great deal about photography and my camera and have also been given the opportunity to interact and become friends with some amazing people. It does take time...which for all of us at some time or another struggle get back what you put in....but that doesn't have to mean spending hours writing critiques or looking at every photo...all it takes sometimes is touching base and letting people know you appreciate what they are doing and enjoy their images.
365 is a community...not an online tutorial...and that is what makes it the special place it is.
February 7th, 2017
I find many times that I want to comment because I love the pictures I see and also because I appreciate the comments I get.
But...I hesitate because I'm not very good with words, pretty shy.
And I find that I mostly just keep saying, love this, or awesome shot or sonething similar...
And being new at this, I'm a bit intimidated, that I'm not even using the correct terminology?
Anyway. I just wanted to say I mostly do the same with my comments and I hope that it is understood that my comments are the best I can do and are totally complimentary...
February 7th, 2017
Only want to offer one comment - I think it would be impossible for my followers to tell the difference between something that's taken me a lot of time and something that was a quick snap - in part because I struggle to tell the difference myself! (Other than I know the time that went in.) Sometimes I'll take forever and get a rubbish result, other times I'll take a few seconds and blow myself away - like one I did last night :-)

Big admiration to you for doing a whole year at an image a day ...phew! Pretty sure I couldn't do that! :-)

Found for myself I've learnt a lot here - mainly I believe because of the low pressure and caring community.
February 7th, 2017
Ditto Diane Day and Annie D. I can't imagine why you find it so upsetting. I'd be happy to have someone like my posts enough to visit them all and leave me a one word comment. And I appreciate all the favs too. I often leave one-word comments myself, just because I want to acknowledge that I saw the shot and liked it. My likes and favs are purely based on what pleases my eye--I don't try to dissect the shot and try to figure out how much effort went in to processing it or whether it's SOOC, or anything like that. So I hope nobody gets annoyed at me leaving them too many one-word comments or favs. I'm not a person of many words--although this comment has turned out to be quite lengthy, haha.
February 7th, 2017
P.S. Don't get too excited about getting one of your shots on the PP or trending boards. Not wanting to burst your bubble, but it's based on an algorithm--not on actual number of FAVs. I'm not sure exactly how Ross has set up the algorithm, but I've had shots with only one or two FAVs wind up on the PP page, and others with eight or nine that don't. Just saying.
February 9th, 2017
Looks like she has already closed her account. Too bad. Any of you can visit my photos and leave a one word comment or fav at any time. I won't think you are stalking me. LOL I know there are times that I simply don't have time to leave long comments, yet I like to view all the people that I follow and leave a comment or a fav.
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