Oak, Lichen and Feafer by 30pics4jackiesdiamond

Oak, Lichen and Feafer

Went back to Billy's Lake today as it wasn't raining for a photowalk to find colour for OU. I was shocked at how much bright plastic there was thrown around and dumped. Picked up some to bin.
This for Nov words.
Lovely contrasts.
November 19th, 2017  
Love the colours, focus and composition, real Autumn feel......
November 19th, 2017  
Great texture and I really like the pop of green.
November 19th, 2017  
My lake is looking well
November 19th, 2017  
Interesting find and great composition.
November 20th, 2017  
The essence of Fall well captured!
November 20th, 2017  
Hi Jackie,
It is tough to come up with a challenge. A couple friends use sun or a light flare in their photographs regularly. I have taken pictures with it but usually it is more of a mistake than on purpose. Let me know if you would like this challenge. If not, I will be glad to think of another assignment.
November 20th, 2017  
@jnorthington bit difficult to plan this, dark when go to work and return and weather forecast for week is dull, mist rain!! Could you offer an alternative if sun not shining on day off Sunday please? Sounds like a fun thing to plan to do though!
November 20th, 2017  
Hate plastic! Love leaves!
November 20th, 2017  
As an alternative, take a picture of something you start to use at this time of year.
November 20th, 2017  
@ludwigsdiana @365anne @salza @billygreen @wendyfrost @bneathdalionrocknyonder @will_wooderson Thak you all, too tired to thank you individually, sorry xxx
@jnorthington will try for sun birst weather permitting but thank you for an alternative.

Night night all
November 20th, 2017  
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