Landscape au Hockney by 30pics4jackiesdiamond

Landscape au Hockney

Kali asked me to do an unusual panorama/landscape and she gave me a couple of links to look at.

Visited a National Trust nature reserve today and I hoped that the images I got would stitch together like a Hockney. I'm pleased with this.

PoJT - sat in the sunshine drinking a cuppa in splendid isolation (in a car park!).
@kali66 here you go Kali, hope it;s sort of what you wanted??
July 4th, 2024  
July 4th, 2024  
A great result.
July 4th, 2024  
Nice collage
July 4th, 2024  
Great to see…
July 4th, 2024  
A great collage.
July 4th, 2024  
very original, I enjoy this view you have pieced together , ticks the boxes
July 4th, 2024  
I love how you've done this.
July 4th, 2024  
I love Hockney. Very nicely done.
July 4th, 2024  
Beautifully thought out and beautifully presented Jackie:)
July 4th, 2024  
Nicely displayed photos. This makes it look like you Casually tossed photos on a table.
July 4th, 2024  
FAV it turned out really well Jackie. You have compiled it perfectly
July 5th, 2024  
@grammyn so glad when a plan works! Thank you katy
@randystreat that's so nice to read, thank you Kathy

@pcoulson thanks Peter,
@shutterbug49 thank you Debbie

@robz I'm pleased with it, thanks Rob
@kali66 phew!!! I did one on phone, but stuck with my plan. Yup, I actually had a plan Kali!!

@wakelys its a pretty place sue
@beverley365 thanks Beverley

@365projectorgchristine thanks Christine
@jacqbb it worked out ok, thanks Jaq
July 5th, 2024  
Very nice collection of shots
July 5th, 2024  
What a brilliant presentation. I shall have to investigate this!
July 5th, 2024  
@tiaj1402 he calls them 'joiners' Tia, some are huge, all are cleverly planned
@kjarn it's a lovely little place
July 5th, 2024  
@30pics4jackiesdiamond just had a look. They are so good! I came across something similar years ago but it was called panography- no idea they were inspired by Hockney’s joiners.
July 5th, 2024  
July 5th, 2024  
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