So is that fence part of an enclosure or is it a fence to stop people jumping off bridges? Could have a bearing on whether she’s stopping her from jumping or moving towards throwing her over! Lol I agree with @salza
@joansmor it was such a lovely weekend all together @carole_sandford there was a lot of sibling love, joy, bit of bickering and lots of helping each other
@ljmanning good suggestion
@kjarn so fabulous they laughed a lot
@happysnaps a trolly in the flooded river!!
@robz a river
@jacqbb it's a bridge over a river
@joansmor it was such a lovely weekend all together
@carole_sandford there was a lot of sibling love, joy, bit of bickering and lots of helping each other
@wakelys you saw it too
@grammyn it was magical! So enjoyable
@salza they just stood and cuddled for a while!!