Sleepy and a bit of a sleeket by berelaxed

Sleepy and a bit of a sleeket

Raven has soft, sleek jet black fur with four tiny single white hairs on her back. She is a bit of a sleeket, a Scottish term we came to love through watching Outlander. She is sleek and crafty, but doesn't live up to the deceitful portion of the definition. Her nose, whiskers and toe beans that match her suit.

The melanin (pigment) in a cat’s skin determines what color their coats are but also colors those juicy little toe beans. White cats have no melanin so their toe beans are pink while black cats have plenty of melanin and therefore have black beans. Many cats’ toe beans tend to be the same color as their noses.

Cats are famous for their superpower-like abilities to fly through the air and still (mostly) land on their feet. Their skeletal systems are uniquely adapted to absorbing the impacts of such landings but their toe beans and paw pads also play special roles, acting as shock absorbers of sorts. While the toe beans can help a kitty slow to a stop or control their momentum when jumping off something high, such as your counters, the larger paw pads (called the metacarpal pad on a front paw and the metatarsal pad on the back) protects their bones from harder impacts.

Toe beans and paw pads are extremely sensitive and contain numerous nerve endings that help a cat literally feel her way around in the world.

For the Record,
This day came in with dark skies, drizzle wet snow and more rain. We are supposed to get snow, but yet again it just seems wet. We have had a quiet weekend and plan to enjoy take out Thai food for dinner soon.

All hands cozy
So beautiful velvety cat
January 28th, 2024  
This gives me a huge smile! I saw a picture of Raven playing full out, and here she is cozily snoozing! I agree with Corinne- she's a beautiful velvety cat!
January 29th, 2024  
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