A Heart for the Start... by berelaxed

A Heart for the Start...

...of Valentine's week. Raven has a lovely habit of crossing her paws in a heart shaped fashion. Her heart is certainly not black, and her paws and little cat heart are soft and lovely.

We love Valentine's day here.

For the Record,
This day came in cloudy with a bit of sunlight in the late afternoon. A Nor'easter is rumored to be on the way for early this week. We'll see if it ends up as snow or rain here near the coast.

All hands hoping for a bit of snow.
Such a great POV on her velvety paws
February 11th, 2024  
Wonderful capture
February 11th, 2024  
Sweet 💜
February 12th, 2024  
I’m another cat lover. Ravens fur is gorgeous.
February 12th, 2024  
February 12th, 2024  
Awww, Raven! I agree with everyone - her paws are like velvet and her fur looks so soft!
February 12th, 2024  
Very clever shot. Well spotted
February 12th, 2024  
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