Foxie Loxie by berelaxed

Foxie Loxie

I was facing away from the house, just beyond our patio with my old trusty Nikon D90. The D-90 was wearing her ever-attached 300mm as I was trying to make a photograph of a brilliant oriole. The orange and black guy flew off and I turned to head back to the house. When what to my wondering eyes did appear, the gray Foxie Loxie hunting for peanuts by the back doorstep. Finding none, she turned, saw me and casually scooted along straight to the path leading to my brother and sister-in-laws house. I managed one not perfect photo, but this fox is a gorgeous animal.

For the Record,
This day came in less humid. We have found a wonderful garden helper named Carlos. He arrived this afternoon and did quick and amazing work. He'll be here tomorrow afternoon too, doing things we can't with tools we don't own or wouldn't dare to use even if we had them at the ready in the barn.

All hands happy.
What an epic appearance!
June 25th, 2024  
great catch
June 25th, 2024  
He does look healthy.
June 25th, 2024  
Again I say you have a wonderful group of animals in your yard.
June 25th, 2024  
Wonderful capture
June 25th, 2024  
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