Colorful Montana by bjywamer

Colorful Montana

Okay, folks, which of the three versions of this scene do you find most appealing? You can't hurt my feelings! I am truly curious! :-)
High key looks like snow, low key looks like crops.....both are interesting....but this is my favourite in colour. The colour somehow brings out the textures more because of the contrast of shades. What a fabulous strand into the river that is!
October 3rd, 2020  
@casablanca Thanks for the rapid and valued feedback. I think I agree with you that the color version is my favorite. I haven't really been on here much at all this summer... Too much else demanding my attention, like harvesting and putting up the abundance from our garden. :-) I AM wanting to experiment more with black and white straight out of the camera, rather than converting color photos. How are you, my friend? Hope your hand is better!
October 3rd, 2020  
Great shot
October 3rd, 2020  
Like the color, but do like the high key, too
October 4th, 2020  
This colour version is super..& I so like those rolling hills.
October 4th, 2020  
@bjywamer I'd love to experiment more with straight black and white too. It's all about light and contrast and so appealing.
Not too bad, thank you. Hand has improved in movement and less pain, but still working on it as the swelling is still there and stiffness to a certain extent. I do the exercises twice a day now. Hoping to avoid the need for an injection as I don't want to go near a hospital in the midst of Winter with Covid hanging around! Just hoping and praying it continues to improve and the swelling goes down. Thanks for asking!
October 4th, 2020  
@elisasaeter Thanks!
October 4th, 2020  
@milaniet Thank you, Milanie! I completely agree! :-)
October 4th, 2020  
@happysnaps Thank you, Valerie!
October 4th, 2020  
@casablanca Will continue to pray for steady improvement and that you can avoid the necessity of an injection! Be Blessed on this Lord's Day!
October 4th, 2020  
@bjywamer Thank you, dear friend. God bless you for your kindness.
October 5th, 2020  
I like this version the most. I like the cropping that makes me feel inside the scene. The wonderful light creates a nice texture.
October 5th, 2020  
@haskar Thanks so much for your visit and comments!
October 8th, 2020  
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