Aliens, cats and robots. by blightygal

Aliens, cats and robots.

With the plethora of space themed tree decorations this year, Ed bought me 3 most excellent ones from the Netherlands to join the collection of our quirky set. A flying saucer alien, a robot and this three eyed blobby pink alien, which is up there in tacky in a good way. Yeah, think there's a difference?! We even treated ourselves to a new tree this year, skinnier and taller, better fit for a tiny lounge.

Christmas all over for another year. Ed and I have our own day on the 24th, as Christmas day is all about cooking and getting his dad from London. He nearly didn't come as he just wants to sleep all the time now, and despite telling Ed on the phone 'sod Christmas' when he got him out of bed at noon by phoning him, he did actually get dressed and come to ours for dinner.

He did amazingly well, scoffed a whole pile of Christmas dinner, ate every last scrap and even a bowl of trifle a couple of hours later. Ed and his dad had a couple of games of crib while I tackled the endless washing up.Ted, to be honest, at the age of 94 did really well - he even looked like he was enjoying himself but come 8pm, he was getting very tired and Ed took him home. Ed stays with him for a couple nights a week now so Ed stayed last night. Rather odd being on my own for the remaining Christmas bits but hey ho, that's the way things go.

Lucy was bad/nervous having Ted in the house and of course with all the rain yesterday didn't get her walk with me. So we went out this morning at 8.30am for two and a half hours in the crisp, dry sunshine. Was lovely and peaceful for the first hour, nobody around. Guess all nursing hangovers!

Merry Christmas 365'ers.
Just brilliant. 94! Ted's doing amazingly and nice idea to have your 'day' on Christmas Eve.
December 27th, 2023  
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