Little Miss Sunshine by bluemoon

Little Miss Sunshine

Meet my Granddaughter Katie aka Little Miss Sunshine! The Christmas tree went up today and she was quite happy about it! She has to be the happiest little kid I've ever seen! I could have made a collage with 100 pictures of her but I thought I'd spare you! :)
Ok she is a little princess, and I just love her smile.
December 5th, 2010  
She's adorable! And it seems a natural actress :-) A red-headed Shirley Temple?
December 5th, 2010  
She's got a great smile!
December 5th, 2010  
Great capture, Paula.
December 5th, 2010  
She's precious! These pictured made me smile. :-)
December 5th, 2010  
December 5th, 2010  
A little red head. how lovely..reminds me of my daughter at that age red head and all.big smiles..Katie is so adorable.
December 5th, 2010  
Too Cute! he he he. :)
The use of Christmas lights in the background are spot on and fantastic, the frame the baby girl's face perfectly. Fantastic work!
December 5th, 2010  
Oh my gosh, what a little punkin!! I absolutely love how she covers her mouth when she giggles. Adorable. :)
December 5th, 2010  
Great pictures...she looks so adorable!
December 5th, 2010  
She is pure sunshine,great shots!!
December 5th, 2010  
Oh my goodness :D If you ever need a lift just look at this!!
December 5th, 2010  
Wonderful portraits. I love this collage.
She's beautiful.
December 5th, 2010  
Oh, she's just gorgeous. It's a great collage. I feel tempted to do one with my grandson like this. It's so wonderful when they laugh non-stop. Love the lights in the background, too.
December 5th, 2010  
So cute!
December 5th, 2010  
Awww ))) too cute!
December 5th, 2010  
My, she really is happy isn't she. My grandson's were not happy faces when they were that age but are making up for it now!
December 5th, 2010  
Oh my she is so adorable!! :)
December 5th, 2010  
Thanks so much everyone! :) It was just too easy getting pictures of her to use. I felt like I was cheating because I didn't go out and "suffer" for my art today! LoL. Friday I went out on one of our nature trails and went for a rather long walk in 20 degree weather....froze myself to no pictures for all my effort and ended up submitting a candle picture for the day! :) Katie is always smiling and ready to strike a grandson Joey on the other hand usually runs the other direction when I point the camera at him! :
December 5th, 2010  
Oh my...looking at these makes me smile!!! Not only is she an absolute cutie, but her personality as a cheery little soul comes through loud and clear... I love her chubby cheeks, her sweet little curls, and the way she covers her mouth with her hand when she laughs!!! What a happy collage... Wouldn't mind seeing more pics of this sweetie any time!!!
December 5th, 2010  
O, she's so sweet ... some lovely piccies here Paula!
December 5th, 2010  
@jonna Thank you! Careful what you ask for!! ;)
December 6th, 2010  
@zodiaque Thank you Gail...I might be just a wee bit biased, but I think she's kinda sweet too! :)
December 6th, 2010  
December 6th, 2010  
Absolutely adorable!
December 6th, 2010  
that's adorable!
December 7th, 2010  
She's gorgeous!
December 7th, 2010  
She is soooooooooo cute!!!
December 9th, 2010  
Absolutely Love she!!!!!!!
December 22nd, 2010  
totally gorgeous little girl - you must adore her - looks like she brings a lot of sunshine into your life.
December 29th, 2010  
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