Above the clouds by boxplayer

Above the clouds

Flying somewhere between Cairo and Heathrow. Catching up with holiday photos - the last.

After that terrible night of non-sleep, I eventually got out of bed. Felt very anxious and my tummy was feeling odd so I took a preventative Imodium - possibly a bit rash but I couldn't cope with the idea of a dodgy tummy while waiting for ages for a flight and then four hours plus in the air.

And was still full of cold so I took a Lemsip and tried to ration my small number of Jakemans lozenges. Didn't breakfast much but stole a croissant for later and ate a small roll, saying goodbye to our family tour mates.

Went back to rest in the room as Arafa had arranged a late 1.30 checkout and managed to doze. Eventually went downstairs where our taxi was ready for the hour's drive in hot sticky traffic to the airport. As we drove, said goodbye to the Nile and Cairo and the bibbing traffic horns, which we'd got used to - like a burbling constant conversation.

All was smooth at the airport, though the separate security queues for men and women were irritating especially as I got stuck when my security lady continued a conversation with her ridiculously botoxed, lipo-ed friend for a good 5 minutes before letting me through, then demanding to see a ticket which I didn't have as we hadn't been able to print off our boarding passes and then taking my passport until I produced the check-in email on my phone. The airport staff, security and passports, were generally surly.

But once through we had time to get presents from duty free and something to eat for Dave before finding our gate and boarding the plane. A small delay because of air traffic restrictions at Heathrow (there'd been a weather warning and thunderstorms earlier in the UK) but no other issues. Having changed my seat to an aisle seat, I stood up every half hour or so to stretch my painful back and was entertained by the couple of men who had stretched out full length across their line of seats - the plane wasn't full.

Exiting Heathrow was also remarkably quick and easy - egates were working and we got our luggage quickly. But the tube journey home couldn't be shortened and we were exhausted. It was pouring when we came out of the station and I unearthed my brolly from the zipped pocket of my suitcase where it had lain undisturbed for nearly 2 weeks, walking in the door at gone 11 for a quick snack, tea and bed.

End of Egyptian adventure.

Kitted out https://365project.org/boxplayer/extras/2024-05-02

2 May 2024
In the air
Nice shot at the end of an eventful trip!
May 18th, 2024  
Lovely shot to end your Egyptian adventure.
May 18th, 2024  
Beautifully written and hear your sadness. Next hols to look forward to tho!
May 18th, 2024  
May 18th, 2024  
What a glorious sight. Despite all the ups and downs, you do seem to have had an amazing adventure.
May 18th, 2024  
Great sun's rays
May 18th, 2024  
iconic photo , great light too
May 18th, 2024  
Love those cottony clouds.
May 19th, 2024  
My experience at Cairo airport was very similar, they were far from friendly. Thank you for the memories of my trip which was nearly 2 years ago now.

I am so jealous of a 4 hour flight to get home. I am not looking forward to my 2 flights next week to get to Morocco - first flight 14.5 hours, 3 hour layover in Dubai then 8.5 hours to Casablanca 😩
May 19th, 2024  
@kjarn ooerr, yes that is a bit of an ordeal
May 20th, 2024  
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