Monet's Giverny  by boxplayer

Monet's Giverny

Where he lived and worked from 1883 till his death in 1926. I visited years ago and was astonished to see that it looked at times exactly like a Monet painting. Funny that. Catching up with photos from last weekend's choir trip.

At the hotel buffet breakfast, we snaffled bread and cheese for our packed lunch for the evening coach ride back.

Drove to Giverny, the weather grizzly and threatening heavy rain but in the end, we only got a few showers and even a bit of brightness.

Visited the water lily pond first, less overgrown than I remembered it. Very busy obviously and I had a fight with an American couple on one of the bridge viewpoints when they thought I was muscling in. I sort of was, but there was room enough - I think they were very taken aback to have someone answer back their passive aggressive comment.

The gardens were still in full bloom with lots of bees around with paths leading up to the house with themed colour planting.

Inside the lovely house, got the message from the downstairs landlord about the leak from our mains pipe in his flat. Seemed minor and could wait till the week.

Had a group lunch in Les Nympheas, the café , including 3 courses (soup, omelette and apple pie) with wine, water and coffee/tea. All very good.

Drove to Beauvais, where the driver had enormous trouble negotiating the narrow one ways and finding somewhere to park.

Once inside the church venue, it was chaos with 60 of us needing to change and use the one loo with less than an hour before the concert start.

I succeeded in standing for the concert this time, great acoustics again and a biggish crowd. A couple came over after and said how much they'd loved it.

More messages from the landlord though as he was worried the leak was getting on to his fuse box. Our plumber couldn't visit till tomorrow, and his was in Nottingham. He asked his tenants to put plastic on the box, hoping it would be well.

Drove back in the dark and with heavy rain. Usual shenanigans on the full coach with people changing seats and losing phones.

Waited to get back to the hotel before eating my packed lunch.

Giverny flowers

22 September 2024
Giverny, France
I have always wanted to visit Giverny! Lovely shots.
September 28th, 2024  
What fabulous images - I wanna go there !
September 28th, 2024  
Such a beautiful garden!
September 28th, 2024  
Beautiful Monet… gorgeous
September 28th, 2024  
Beautiful collage so colourful
September 28th, 2024  
Oh wow, isn't that wonderful?
September 28th, 2024  
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