Maggie  by cdonohoue


Happy New Year!
It is a time of resolutions - so maybe I can do better on my 365. I know that I won't make every day - but I'm committed to trying. I actually thought of stopping as winter is here and my photo ops are lessoning. But Maggie never minds.

Today feels much like yesterday, but civilization needs units of measure to count our days - so I'll play along. 2014 was a year of joy and loss. It was a year of trying new things that scared and thrilled me and brought me some measures of success and some not so much (I won't call them failures because I learned things). It was a year of changes - some for the good and many as yet to be determined. For two ordinary folks from Cincinnati we traveled well and frequently - we have come to mark time by our trips - and that's not a bad thing either. That is one of the things that we are already in the midst of planning for 2015.

We are blessed and we are both very aware of that - which I have always felt is the biggest part of a blessing. We genuinely love one another. We love our family and friends and have developed wonderful networks of folks that surround us. We are healthy in mind and spirit and are very proactive about it.

This past month has been one of loss and grief. We are going to go next week and make some arrangements so that neither of us need to think about them when our time comes and neither will the boys.

I hope that each of you lead lives that bring you joy. I hope to add a pup to the household later this year so that I can get back into a hospital with a dog - it was the very best thing that I did on the planet. I need that. I need to fully "realize" my God moments and soak them in. I have quite a few of those moments with you - my friends that share my passion. I love each of you in a very special way.
Happy New Year and I appreciate your food for thought.
A super shot.
January 1st, 2015  
Maggie looks Mah-velous in this shot! Wonderful composition, Cathy! Grerat wishes for a year of good health and happiness!
January 1st, 2015  
lovely shot cathy, i cannot see you quitting, you are a 365 stalwart :)
January 1st, 2015  
...that was a compliment btw :)
January 1st, 2015  
Wonderful capture, Happy New Year
January 1st, 2015  
What a gorgeous photo Cathy. Happy New Year to you....
January 1st, 2015  
So beautiful!! Happy New Year to you and yours!!
January 1st, 2015  
Great shot of Maggie. Glad you are continuing on with 365. I'm going to continue also but will not beat myself up if I miss a day occasionally. This community is too wonderful to leave! Wishing you all the best in 2015 Cathy.
January 1st, 2015  
Wonderful shot of a great friend - Happy New Year !
January 1st, 2015  
January 1st, 2015  
Happy New Year, Cathy. Hope this year brings you all of life's blessings.
January 1st, 2015  
Beautiful photo
January 1st, 2015  
January 1st, 2015  
Its a privilege to hear what you say and agree with all those wise words! Every life is so different from another but on 365 we seem to touch the personal side of a friend. Maybe because its good to share feelings but the trust seems to be there with friends on 365. Getting great expressions from Maggie so clearly is always a great photo!
January 2nd, 2015  
Happy new Year, Cathy! Your dog is beautiful!
January 2nd, 2015  
Happy New years Cathy!!! cant wait to see plenty of you this up coming year!!
January 2nd, 2015  
Lovely shot Cathy and Happy New Year. Fav
January 2nd, 2015  
Great shot - Maggie is very focused!
January 2nd, 2015  
Love your image and your words. 365 is certainly a special place. Enjoy your travels in 2015 and beyond. Happy New Year
January 2nd, 2015  
Sweet capture :)
January 2nd, 2015  
very nice!
January 2nd, 2015  
Beautiful Maggie and great shot. I can't seem to do everyday either, so we keep trying.
January 2nd, 2015  
It's so important to soak up the God moments. We let too many slip by. May 2015 bring you great joy.
January 2nd, 2015  
She is so beautiful. Lots of spirit and even knowledge oozes out of her -- that's what your photo picked up! I love our furry family friends. Gotta fav!
January 2nd, 2015  
Cool photo. And interesting to read your thoughts. All the best as you plan ahead. ☺x
January 2nd, 2015  
January 2nd, 2015  
January 2nd, 2015  
January 2nd, 2015  
A lovely shot of Maggie
January 2nd, 2015  
Happy New Year, Cathy! This is such a beautiful shot of Maggie! You are truly blessed. Wonderful words!
January 2nd, 2015  
What a beautiful portrait of Maggie - so much personality in your lovely pic.
January 2nd, 2015  
A gorgeous shot! :)
January 2nd, 2015  
Hello, fluffy lovely Maggie! I am sending enormous hugs to you and your photographer!
January 2nd, 2015  
Aww she's pretty.
January 3rd, 2015  
Your sweet pup caught my eye but I just read your note. That's a lovely sentiment. God Bless you!
January 3rd, 2015  
Makes you want to give her a big cuddle.
January 3rd, 2015  
Photo is beautiful and so is the commentary!
January 4th, 2015  
I had missed Maggie's great capture. Great commentary. And congrats on the PP :)
January 4th, 2015  
Beautiful, thoughtful, loving. Thank you for sharing yourself with us.
January 4th, 2015  
Maggie is so beautiful and what a great shot, Cathy. You write so well and from the heart. Wishing you and your family a healthy and happy new year. FAV
January 5th, 2015  
What a sweet looking dog! Well captured too! Happy New year to you! Hope it is nothing but wonderful!
January 6th, 2015  
Adorable puppy portrait! Super sweet!
January 6th, 2015  
What a lovely portrait of Maggie... and I very much appreciated your end-of-year musings. Happy New Year Cathy.
January 10th, 2015  
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