Fav photo from your own project - Jan. 27th - Feb. 3rd!

February 3rd, 2012
Share your favorite picture that you've taken this week. Let's keep it to one picture each. Thanks!

February 3rd, 2012
@lolanae Great choice Brandie. I think this is such a powerful image xx
February 3rd, 2012
February 3rd, 2012
February 3rd, 2012
I hardly took any this week.

February 3rd, 2012
February 3rd, 2012
My first entry for the Film February challenge :)

February 3rd, 2012
just bc these cake pops were so cute! otherwise, very disappointed in my week
February 3rd, 2012
February 3rd, 2012
February 3rd, 2012
@sdpace Ooo I like that shot too! Still waiting to get my 35mm film developed, therefore, my fav photo this week is my take on this weeks 'extraordinary' theme
February 3rd, 2012

February 3rd, 2012
I still like my rhinos and my selfie but i really like the fun colours in this one
February 3rd, 2012
February 3rd, 2012
This from yesterday
February 3rd, 2012
February 3rd, 2012
February 3rd, 2012

@cfitzgerald Nice portrait :)
This is my fav. :
February 3rd, 2012
Disappearing socks

February 3rd, 2012
One of my Film February ones :)

February 3rd, 2012
February 3rd, 2012
February 3rd, 2012
February 3rd, 2012
February 3rd, 2012
February 3rd, 2012
February 3rd, 2012
February 3rd, 2012
February 3rd, 2012
This is posted for tomorrow, but technically I took it a few days ago and love it!!!
February 3rd, 2012
February 4th, 2012
February 4th, 2012
Like @sdpace, mine is my first film challenge shot! :)

February 4th, 2012
February 4th, 2012
February 4th, 2012
This one because it had some people intrigued

February 4th, 2012
February 4th, 2012
I really don't have a favorite this week as most of mine are machine screw shots, I do like this one:

February 4th, 2012
This week had some really random moments for me. I had the most fun with this one though.

February 4th, 2012
I hope this works...

February 4th, 2012
February 4th, 2012
February 4th, 2012

Which turned out not to be as popular as the one I think is 2nd best.
February 4th, 2012
Here is mine, I just loved the soft fading light and the silhouette of the building.

February 4th, 2012
for some reason, this appeals to me, kinda reflects my mood at the moment I think :)

February 4th, 2012
February 4th, 2012
February 4th, 2012
February 4th, 2012
February 4th, 2012
February 4th, 2012
Here is my favourite from the week -

February 4th, 2012
This one.
February 4th, 2012
@cfitzgerald That's an amazing photo!!!!! How did you get so close?
February 4th, 2012
@chriswang LOL!!! the story of my life!!! Very creative!
February 4th, 2012
@mariboo Very cute!!!! Love the pink balloon contrast!
February 4th, 2012
My favorite one for that period time

February 4th, 2012
February 4th, 2012
this is probably my favorite of my entire project so far:
February 4th, 2012
I posted this today and haven't had enough time to hate it yet. :)
February 4th, 2012

February 4th, 2012
From our Seattle meet-up :D
February 4th, 2012
Had a fun visitor!
February 4th, 2012
@davetom This looks like a painting!
February 4th, 2012

I think I like this so much because every time I look at it, I remember how ungodly delicious that cheesesteak was.
February 4th, 2012

Kinda lovin on the birds this month
February 4th, 2012
February 4th, 2012
February 4th, 2012
Really hard decision, they were a few I really liked this week, but possibly this one this one
February 4th, 2012
February 4th, 2012
February 4th, 2012
February 4th, 2012
February 4th, 2012
February 4th, 2012
February 4th, 2012
From today

February 4th, 2012

February 4th, 2012
This view is off my balcony and I enjoy each season as the scene is ever changing but always stunningly beautiful.
February 4th, 2012
I like this because it's such an improvement over the last time I tried (last year)

February 4th, 2012
Something about this one.
February 4th, 2012
February 4th, 2012
By Rebecca M!!!! I could not get over how much I love this pic!!!! LOVE IT!!
February 4th, 2012
February 4th, 2012
February 4th, 2012
February 4th, 2012
Here is my favorite of my current series "Nightmare". I have actually been approached by a couple of local Seattle bands to use this photo for an album cover but I have no idea what I should price it as. They are small time bands so I can not expect to get a ton of money out of it. Just some thing fair. Any ideas?

February 4th, 2012
February 4th, 2012
February 4th, 2012
February 4th, 2012
February 4th, 2012
love this pic of me

February 4th, 2012
February 4th, 2012
February 4th, 2012
February 4th, 2012
Blue on blue
February 4th, 2012
Still adjusting some white balance etc but I like the potential.
February 4th, 2012
February 4th, 2012
taken Feb 3rd
February 4th, 2012
February 4th, 2012
February 4th, 2012
February 4th, 2012

February 4th, 2012
February 4th, 2012
February 4th, 2012

I not perfect but I like it!
February 4th, 2012
amazing...is all I can say...what a talented group of photographers you are...I was going to post one of my photos, but I think I better wait a while and work on my technique! What a treat to view these photos...
February 4th, 2012
Bird Bombed from January 30, 2012! :-)
February 4th, 2012
February 4th, 2012
February 4th, 2012
February 4th, 2012
29th of January - But Daisy it's to cold outside

I saw a little speck of yellow in the frozen grass
Brave little one, your stem is turning black
To save you from that frost
I picked you
Placed you on the windowsill in a little glass
You slowly opened up to me
Showed me your heart
I hope this gave you a few more days of life

I did... I did save it... it's still sitting in the glass and looks even better LOL
February 4th, 2012

February 4th, 2012
February 4th, 2012
February 4th, 2012
February 4th, 2012
It'd have to be this one of my grandson Isaac.
February 4th, 2012
February 4th, 2012
February 4th, 2012
February 4th, 2012
February 4th, 2012
Definitely Rocker Tom
February 4th, 2012
February 5th, 2012
February 5th, 2012
February 5th, 2012
Gaggle of Gators [n military slang, a gaggle is an unorganized group doing nothing]
February 5th, 2012
February 5th, 2012
February 5th, 2012
February 5th, 2012
I almost feel embarrassed to post this considering the quality of shots put up here, but this is my favourite photo of the week.
February 5th, 2012

It's not technically brilliant but I love the candid pose....
February 5th, 2012
Today's actually :)

February 5th, 2012
my new nephew! @egad

February 5th, 2012
February 5th, 2012
February 5th, 2012
February 5th, 2012
February 5th, 2012
February 5th, 2012
February 5th, 2012
February 5th, 2012
I'd like to share but I don't know how to put my picture in this reply. Help?
February 5th, 2012
February 5th, 2012
@greenleaf Click the picture you want to select, and look on the right side. There is a box under the word "share". copy that link, and paste it in the "write a reply" box here. =-)
February 5th, 2012
@karenh This is a lovely shot!
February 5th, 2012
February 5th, 2012
February 5th, 2012
February 5th, 2012
February 5th, 2012
Does this count as ONE picture? ("Widlife photographers")

February 5th, 2012
I couldn’t really decide this week.. But I’ll go for this one.

February 5th, 2012
February 5th, 2012
February 5th, 2012
February 5th, 2012
February 5th, 2012
February 5th, 2012
February 5th, 2012
February 5th, 2012
My favourites are always the ones that feature my grandchildren.

February 5th, 2012
February 5th, 2012
February 5th, 2012
February 5th, 2012
February 5th, 2012
February 5th, 2012
February 5th, 2012
Only took this one today but I am really happy with it!
February 5th, 2012
February 5th, 2012
February 5th, 2012
February 5th, 2012
February 5th, 2012
sparse week for me but I loved the way this turned out
February 6th, 2012

tough choice this week
February 6th, 2012
February 6th, 2012
February 6th, 2012
February 6th, 2012
This man captured my heart...

taken 2/3

February 6th, 2012

This one. Definitely.
February 6th, 2012
February 6th, 2012
February 6th, 2012
February 6th, 2012
This is from this evening...took it a few hours ago. I am not telling what it is...it is posted as a "guess what this is" shot. I will come back tomorrow and tell eveyrone who commented just what it really is.
February 6th, 2012
February 6th, 2012
February 6th, 2012
my newest photo became my fav :)

February 6th, 2012
February 6th, 2012
February 6th, 2012
February 6th, 2012
February 6th, 2012
February 6th, 2012
February 6th, 2012
February 6th, 2012
February 6th, 2012
February 6th, 2012
my favorite for the week.
February 6th, 2012
February 6th, 2012
February 6th, 2012
February 6th, 2012
February 7th, 2012
Thanks for letting me share my picture which reminds me of the classic sun salutation in yoga.
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