Did you/are you planning to continue after one year?

September 8th, 2012
Just curious to see people's opinions on this. For those of you who are edging towards the end of your projects, are you planning to suddenly stop once it's finished? If you continued, are you glad that you did? Does it start to become a bit of a chore when you've been shooting everyday for a longgg time? I'm still undecided about what to do as yet (but luckily still have a fair bit of time to decide)!
September 8th, 2012
I've loved doing this project, I started in January and there's only been a couple of days where I've struggled to take photos. I do think I'll continue with it as I usually take my camera everywhere with me anyway.
September 8th, 2012
By the time I'd finished, I felt burnt out and needed a break. It's fun to do for a while but it can take up so much time!

The impetus was still there, though, so after a break I came back. It's beginning to fade out naturally now - there has to come a point when you stop and move on. It doesn't mean I've stopped taking pictures, but I won't push myself to edit, tweak, upload and reciprocate on everybody's comments every day any more.

Yes, it became a chore at times. I'm glad I did it for a year as I learnt a lot, and I'm still learning, but now if I don't have a decent photo I'm not obliged to upload something for the sake of it. You can take more time getting it right in the second year, and do it because it's fun. Photography has become a way of life and I still take a camera everywhere, but can be more selective about photos now, which means output might be less but allows more time on getting things right.
September 8th, 2012
I wont post every day i will just put a few shots on a month, my wife can`t wait for me to finish this project lol : ) hahahaha
September 8th, 2012
This takes so much time, and there are too many other things that I want to do. It's a fantastic way to improve your photography and pick up hints and encouragement from others, but I think come day 365 I'll be cracking a bottle of champagne and heaving a huge sigh of relief! ... although Ariel's @carmel approach does sound good...
September 8th, 2012
@peadar - I'll be sad to see you go!! Even though I may be gone before you! :P
September 8th, 2012
@peadar and @carmel - I am with you on your comments. I started in January this year and looking forward to the finish - learnt so much but would still love to be part of the 365'ers. I can't believe I have stuck with it but I am loving every minute and the passion for photography is getting stronger by the day.
September 8th, 2012
@peadar @megsy I've said to people that photography is a way of life, and it is: if you do this for a year with commitment and enthusiasm it will change your perspective. You start noticing things you never previously really looked at, the world becomes a richer place, full of beauty, interest and even wonder. I never want to lose that way of looking at the world now that I've found it.
September 8th, 2012
@carmel - totally agree! And since discovering this new passion for photography, I find I hard to believe that I've lived life not noticing all the little beautiful, creative and interesting things in the world that I do now.
September 8th, 2012
I have less than a month to go, and I'm still undecided about what to do once I'm done. I enjoy the phototaking part, but do find that the commenting and being interactive takes up a lot of time, at the expense of other things/hobbies/study. And yet part of what makes 365 so great is the interactive part, so you need to put the time in if you want something back.
I will actually be away on holidays for the end of my project, but I think what I will do is just post a photo a day to back fill once I'm back, and then once I'm done with that, I'll see how I feel. I am also used to taking my camera everywhere, so will probably continue to shoot, but just not post every day.
September 8th, 2012
I've never felt the 365 was a chore because I didn't fall into the trap of "I have to take a photo every day". I shoot something 2 or 3 times a week and cherry pick from that. It has been a stressless, enjoyable way of doing my project.

I'd like to continue for a second year, but not sure what my personal perdicament will be. My future is uncertain at the moment and not particularly bright. We shall see what path my life will take and then decide.
September 8th, 2012
this is my first year so yes I will be doing my second year..I take my camera everywhere I go.. cause you never know what your going to see..
September 8th, 2012
I'm into my second year and enjoying it. I do still take a picture every day, but I forgive myself if that picture happens to be not much of anything. I forgive myself if life intrudes and I can't view and comment. For me 365 isn't just about 365 - my family and friends have always made up a lot of my viewers. If I haven't posted a shot by midnight they start emailing me to see if I'm OK.
September 8th, 2012
I'm with Cromwell ( @cromwell ). Taking pictures has never been a burden and I do take pictures practicaly everyday and I'm now into my third year.

I think it all depends on our mindset at the moment and what photography is to each of us. I carry my camera everywhere. Photo ops are always just a click away for me. After all this time I still wonder if today will be the day I don't see anything to photograph but you know what? it's not. I always find something.

I don't know how long I will continue this project. It has given me a reason to take pictures and try new things. It has opened quite a few opportunities for me. The more I learn, the more I want to learn. This is the perfect venue for developing my own photographic eye.

Ask yourself why you are doing this project? If it's for your love of photography, you are on the right path. How you approach your project is your choice alone. Personal growth, photography experimentation, or documenting your life in photographs are all valid reasons for doing this project.
September 8th, 2012
My second year is totally foreign and different to my first, so it was easy to carry on. I just had to kill off the first year....
September 8th, 2012
This project has helped me grow and develop in ways I couldn't have done on my own. From the daily push to practice and post, to all the great challenges, and especially to the great feedback and critiques I've received from my peers, I can't imagine stopping this after my first year. My camera has become a permanent append to my body, it goes everywhere I go, and that's won't ever change now. I may not post as heavily going into my second year, as I want my focus then, to be on seriously defining my style, but I can't imagine leaving here...it's become such an important part of my photography, and I have to admit I've enjoyed being a part of this wonderful community.
September 8th, 2012
I am on my second year of doing this project and I have loved every minute of it. I miss a couple of days but I will probably keep going once january roles around :)
September 8th, 2012
I'm into my third year and am still enjoying it. As long as it stays a pleasure , I'll continue. I take photos every day, try for a major photowalk every week, and select pics from those outings. It's all very relaxed and never a chore! The more I learn, the more I realize I have to learn and this is the place to do it.
September 8th, 2012
I'm on day 568 and I'm glad I kept going. I've slowed down in the last few months though. I'm pretty sure that if I didn't keep going, I wouldn't have been picking up my camera very often...which would have led to missed opportunities :)
September 8th, 2012
Come day 365 I will be off. I never realised how hard a photo every day would be. I am going to a photo book of my project and leave it at. But I still have 41% to go, so plenty time to change my mind.
September 8th, 2012
@dmariewms I think I'm with you, some days I just post a photo that's of my day, they're not always excited or fantastically taken in my case but I love sharing them with family and friends.
September 8th, 2012
I finished my first 365 at the end of last year, and given that I was half way into my MSc I really was intending to give up... but I missed it soooo much! So I snuck back on my birthday at the end of January and started up again. I have had far less time and motivation to get involved in the more interactive side of 365 this year, so I don't comment on people's photos anywhere near as much as I used to, and in return, I don't get anywhere near so many comments back. Also, I've used my iPhone exclusively this year, so I haven't been able to push myself as much as I did when I was using a "real" camera.

For me, I just love having a visual documentation of my life, and I enjoy being able to notice the little bits of beauty that most people miss. I also love spending a bit of time each day editing and playing with a picture to turn from something ordinary into something that I really like :) There are definitely ways of doing this project without it taking up too much time.
September 8th, 2012
@carmel @wrighty @shutterbugger @timandelke @socalgal I am with these guys....I am 2 months or so into my second year. I made myself miss a day or two not taking a photo of something to break my "streak" so my OCD would not control me and make me turn this into a chore. I enjoy year two more...because like Cromwell does, I cherry pick from some shots per week and don't have to take one/post one for each and every day. I am still very active and learning new things....and I love my friends on the site...No way could I not come here and see how they are doing/what they are doing...so why not put up a pic of what I am doing? If I miss a day or two a month, no biggie. If I put up a pic but it is not for that date, but I like it..no biggie. I love year two!
September 8th, 2012
Just on to year 2, still feel like I'm only just getting started - most importantly I'm still loving it. I think I'll carry on until that changes. It's not like I've signed a contract or anything - I'm doing it for the pleasure of it.
September 8th, 2012
I just started my 365 project almost 2 weeks ago and so far, I love it! I was already going out everyday on long walks taking photos, so coming across the 365 project site was an added bonus.

Once day 365 hits, I'll be doing it again.
September 8th, 2012
I finished my first year mid June & am continuing for now though only posting every now & then, I still love taking photos just don't post as often! I still really enjoy catching up on everyone else's shots though :)
September 8th, 2012
I can't say I've finished, but I hope to learn to carry my camera with me everywhere I go so I can get shots of things that make me smile :), sad :(, cry, or make take my breath away
September 8th, 2012
I finished in March and am still here. I no longer post every day and had a stretch where I didn't post for two months; however, I just missed it too much. I really like the sense of community and the challenges. It keeps me trying new techniques and styles, but more importantly, I like having tons of photos of my boys and seeing how they have grown over the year and a half since I started my project.
September 8th, 2012
I do it until its a pleasure, not a pressure:) therefor i dont know whether i'll finish my 1st year, or maybe i'll have 3 more years here:))
September 8th, 2012
today is 845th...
September 8th, 2012
After year one I stopped making and sharing pictures every day, but just now and than. Now I started a new project as from this september my main album will be analogue. ( so had to wait a bit longer for the uploads...) It's nice to change your goals a bit. Anyway just have fun!
September 8th, 2012
I took around 18 months to finish the first 365 after a slow start, but am even more prolific now taking photos than I was at beginning. I do it for me and enjoy sharing.
September 8th, 2012
I'm two thirds of the way through my second year with no fillers. Each photo for the first two years were taken on that day.

I will probably continue for a third year, but I will just post a photo per day, but not necessarily the photo I took that day. As I look back on my extras album, I think some of those shots are better than the ones that were posted for the day.
September 9th, 2012
I'm 2/3 through my second year and still loving it.
September 9th, 2012
I finished my first year 365 Project about a month ago and decided to do another go around. Being so dedicated to the project every day for a year, I could not bring myself to break it off. Especially because I have made so many wonderful friends here - many who I chat with regularly and many who I have met in person. Its also a great community to show your work to. However I am approuching Year 2 more causually and not posting everyday.
September 9th, 2012
@bobfoto Indeed you did! I am in my second year and agree with @cromwell, make it your own...not sure I will go on but I have loved the photos I have taken and viewed!
September 9th, 2012
I have achieved what I wanted to out of this project.... in fact I'd stop now if I didn't also want to complete 366 days.
September 9th, 2012
@httpgeffed - Thanks Colleen :)
September 9th, 2012
This is my second year (although it looks like my first as I changed my username at the beginning of this year) and I'm finding the second year easier. I do try to stick to a photo a day and so far I have mostly stuck to it. I think I'm finding it easier because slowly slowly my skills and experience are increasing. I have got a few spots within 5 min drive that I know if I haven't got a shot I can go and get a sunset or something. I also have coerced my kids into posing for me so I can practice portrait shots and I love practising new things like water drops and experimenting with flash and reflectors when I get stuck shooting in the house at night. One other thing that has helped - I know I can always get a cheep $2-3 bunch of flowers at the local shop if I'm desperate :-)
September 9th, 2012
I missed the last three months of my project and had to go back and fill in. Once winter came around last year I completely lost my motivation. It's so dark and cold here. This year I'm going to try and get some cool winter shots (at least a few). I just post when I can and pop in when I can. I've learned a lot from the people on here and I find a great deal of value in staying involved when I can.l
September 9th, 2012
I'm about 2/3 of the way and I think about this question all the time! Projecting, maybe? I guess I never expected the time commitment to be what it is, so I do look forward to the idea of continuing. . .but in a slightly more relaxed way. One of the things I did when I joined 365 was follow some people who were into multiple years (many on this thread!) because I was SO amazed at that kind of commitment. . .I don't see how it would be possible to stop cold turkey, though, because I know I would miss all of the wonderful people and the amazing learning opportunities. I look forward to another year as the time when I can start doing more with the challenges and themes since this first year has been so much about my own learning.
September 9th, 2012
I had no intention of continuing after year one, but on January first I went with some friends on the ferry and you have to take a camera with you for a scenic trip like that. The next few days I was so-so on continuing but I clicked the shutter. By the 5th I figured what the heck I'll go for a bit more. I don't intend to continue on year three. I won't quit shooting, but I won't feel obligated. Instead I'll do other things to challenge myself like 100 strangers or A-Z

September 9th, 2012
i did not plan on contnuing this year, but i missed going out with my camera, having somewhere to post and the community, so i came back for another year. i'm glad i did as i have just joined a camera club and am entering my first competitions this week
September 9th, 2012
I keep changing my mind, yes or no.. I don't know. At the moment I have that 2/3 feeling and I am struggling. :/
September 9th, 2012
I’m over half way done with my second year and I love it. Granted, sometimes it’s been tough finding new subjects to photograph. But, for me, I’ve come to love the drive to keep finding something new everyday. I’m certain I would have missed many opportunities if I stopped after the first year. Also my second year feels different than the first. I try not to pressure myself as much as the first year. So if I miss a shot, I just post one of my other photos I really like. More so I’m trying to keep myself going by trying new things, like taking a black and white photo for a week. Going to try and continue for a third year too (because I am a tad addicted to this site haha) depending on my personal situation.

Still, everyone has different reasons for taking photographs. It's important thing to continue to have fun and enjoy the photographs you create, whether you stop the project and do something else, post everyday, or post every other day.
September 9th, 2012
i never managed to take the 365 photos in a year so will finish at least that and probably will continue to post. Just love the community and the feedback of the 'strangers who became friends of a sort' who comment on my work.
September 9th, 2012
I finished in December and it gets easier because you shoot what you want, care less about the one a day thing, and are in the habits of 365.
September 9th, 2012
I finished yesterday and was completely relieved. I feel as though the pressure's off now. I had some major catching up to do and end up posting about 70 photos in about 20 days. I thought maybe I'd burnt out a bit by the end.

I was going to take a couple of weeks out, but the sunrise this morning was amazing!!

I want year two to be different, more organised and relaxed. I want to refine my landscapes and improve the other shots - there are things I want to try and places I want to see.
September 9th, 2012
I'm about 4 months out from finishing this first year. As it stands, I'll likely continue. Not sure what form the next year will take. This first year it's just take a pic a day regardless of subject matter. I do participate in challenges for inspiration and follow several photogs I feel are better than me in order for me to push myself to get better. The getting better part will always remain, but I may try a year of a certain theme. Who knows.
September 10th, 2012
I am four months away from finishing year two and will probably continue on year three. I don't seem to be running out of ideas because there are always challenges on here that spark a new way of looking at things or allow you to come up with a creative twist on a chosen subject. I love the community aspect of 365 and would really miss the folks I've met here from all around the world. I generally followed the shot a day rule in year one until I realized I just couldn't keep it up. At that time I read something on a discussion thread that removed the self-made pressure: Your project; your rules. That made so much sense! And I think that is what has kept it fun for me. Right now I am taking photos with a point and shoot camera, but if I'm able to upgrade I now have the confidence to join a local camera club and perhaps even enter competitions. I would never have thought that way if it wasn't for this site. So, yes- I'll be staying!
September 10th, 2012
I do not think I will have learned all I need to in a one year period. This place has been so helpful and hopefully I have improved and will continue. I have not found this a burden or a chore at all.. And if it does become that. I will have to stop..
September 10th, 2012
I'd love to keep going after this year is done as I'm learning so much, but I have a feeling my family's patience is wearing very thin with my obsession and the time I put into my project. I hope to keep uploading, especially with an upcoming European holiday in 2013, but time will tell I suppose.
September 10th, 2012
i'm 6 weeks from finishing year 2...not sure about year 3...it's become a bit of a daily routine now so probably will fall into it without realising!! I post nearly every day and there are a few fillers for this year when I am too busy to shoot or I just don't have the motivation. I've done many more comptetitions and themes this year which have helped me improve that next step!
September 10th, 2012
What a timely question. I am three days from the end. I've loved the community, the support, the learning, the advice, the get pushed challenge. It is hard to imagine losing all that. On the other hand I've gotten pretty obsessive about commenting on all the photos of all the people I follow. I'd like to find a way to still give that support without it being so incredibly absorbing and time consuming...maybe something like commenting on just the photos that really catch my attention? I wonder if others find that part of the project more time consuming than they can afford and what ideas they might have
September 10th, 2012
As of right now, my plan is to do a 2nd year. I'll finish my project 12/31. Haven't decided if I'm going to take a "vacation" or not, but will definitely take a completely different approach for year 2. If for any reason I decide I'm done with 365, there are several people I follow that I will need to find a way to keep connected to, because I wouldn't want to completely disconnect from people that have been so encouraging and inspiring... but, I already have plans for what I want to do with my project in year 2
September 11th, 2012
I am in my third year, posting to two albums daily. I have posted 1874 pictures so far. I look on it as an important part of my day and a source of creativity and inspiration. I also enjoy the friends I have made here and the look into their worlds.
September 11th, 2012
I am half way through my second year & still loving it. It helps that I am semi retired & run a B&B so I am at home to catch up during the day. I am not as rigid with the rules now & if I like a photo I use it whether it's good or bad. I find the commenting on others photos quite time consuming & tend to feel guilty if I don't keep up, that is the worst part but I would so miss the people I follow & the fantastic community of 365 so will carry on as long as I feel happy. I have just upgraded my camera & the help & tips I have had has been wonderful.
September 11th, 2012
@allie912 Wow, that is impressive!
September 11th, 2012
@jgpittenger That seems to be a common concern with a lot of people - the time it takes to comment on other people's pictures. I agree, I struggle with that too at times.
September 11th, 2012
@jsw0109 Are you sure that you won't feel the same after year 2 and continue on to year 3? :P
September 12th, 2012
@steviemichelle I guess I'll know the answer to that a year from now ;)
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