Hai I'm new. And a little confused.

January 8th, 2013
Hey everyone,

I have been wanting to do the 365-photo thing for awhile now and I finally decided this would be the year. Originally, I joined this because I just wanted to have a place to keep my photos in order and I could get inspiration from others as well. Then I started exploring a bit...

I don't consider myself a "photographer" whatsoever, but I can't help but feel like this site was intended mainly for those who are. Sadly, all I have to take pictures with is a measly iPhone. I would love to own and shoot with an actual DSLR camera but for now all I have is the phone. Times are tough.

That said, I honestly don't think iPhones are all that terrible. They're obviously not ideal, but with a steady hand in the right light, they can take some great pictures. Not to mention, I do well with editing programs and I have many nice ones on my computer (I LOVE picture editing).

I'm just wondering how others on here feel about it. I guess I just feel a bit inadequate now that it seems iPhone pictures are considered a "last resort" for a 365 photo... but for some of us that's all we have :(
January 8th, 2013
Nope, there are people on here who have all iPhone only projects on purpose actually...you can use whatever you want/have/feel like using!
January 8th, 2013
Hey there! There are people around who get awesome photos out of iphones, so I think that's fine! It is your project to do what you like with, whether it's just keeping a diary or doing something more creative :) Good luck with it!
January 8th, 2013
Take a quick look at this site (and there are dozens just like it), then come back here and never look back. You'll be just fine here.
January 9th, 2013
Personally, I have an irrational hatred of Iphones. But if it is you got then at least your taking photographs.
January 9th, 2013
There are lots of 365ers who use iPhone. I started my project using an IPhone. @dieter did a whole year. There is currently a Phoneography Challenge in the Themes and Competition section of the site.

It is your project! Do what you want.
January 9th, 2013
Go to the top of this page, click on Browse, then Cameras and see what the number one camera used on this site is. Feel better? :) It’s all good!
January 9th, 2013
I've seen loads of people on here who upload iphone or other phone shots and some of them are great photos. I use three cameras - a point and shoot Canon, a Nikon bridge camera and a Canon DSLR and there are plenty of people using phones are here that take better photos that I do with a 'proper' camera so I wouldn't worry about it, just carry on snapping and uploading!
January 9th, 2013
Thanks everyone! I know there is a stigma with iPhone pictures but it's true, I haven't been able to upgrade to the real thing yet.
January 9th, 2013
Nothing wrong with your pictures, looks realy good.
January 9th, 2013
I think we've all seen over the last few days that the resounding feeling is that it is your project and you can do it however you want! I agree with @katharinehubbard that there are some amazing iphone photographers on here, so go ahead and do it. If you need some inspiration, check out @andycoleborn 's iphone album!
January 9th, 2013
dont matter if its a phone a point and shoot a state of the art DSLR or a biscuit tin with a hole in it its still a camera, and there are others that use Iphones on here already so I wouldn't worry about it
January 9th, 2013
@cupkakefiend I am amazed at how good the Iphone pictures are that I see on here. Certainly not a last resort. It is a bit daunting when you first start whatever you use. There will always be a great variety of photographers and their skills here. Just keep snapping and posting. If you like editing thats another addition to enhance your shots. Welcome to 365.
January 9th, 2013
@cupkakefiend here is a recent shot on iphone that made pp ~ and like others have said, I have seen many using iPhone for their projects

January 9th, 2013
one of my favourite i-phone-photogs is @wr1ghty , check out her work...she used the apps like nobody else I know...
January 9th, 2013
First of all, don't compare your life to that of another on here. There are people from all walks of life and from all experiences. Everyone has their own story. Just do your project for yourself first and foremost.

Second, many of us don't use dslrs. I've seen everything from toy cameras to super expensive cameras, film to camera phones. Use whatever you have handy and don't make excuses for what you feel is inferior.

Lastly, many of us have been here a while. Taking pictures everyday helps us to grow as photographers. It will do the same for you, if you give yourself time. We each bring a different perspective. We try new things and experiment. Some really only want to take daily snapshots of things, others are professional photographers, while others aspire to grow into photographers. It doesn't matter where you fall within this group. We are not here to judge you or what you post, unless it's very controversial. So, whether you shoot with iPhone or not, make this project work for you above all and have fun.
January 9th, 2013
Welcome to 365!

My good friend @wr1ghty takes all of her photos with an iphone and they are incredible :)

January 9th, 2013
Also, don't be intimidated by the pro photographers, take inspiration from them instead! I'm definitely not a photographer, but I can tell I've improved so much in the months since I've been doing this project, largely thanks to the motivation and inspiration I get from looking through other people's fabulous photos!
January 9th, 2013
There are some amazing images taken with cell phone cameras.

The best camera is always the one you have with you.
January 9th, 2013
I use my iPhone all of the time! I can't always have my DSLR with me. Use what you use and have fun!
January 9th, 2013
@peterdegraaff Oy there's a phoneography challenge! I keep missing them until I see the voting thread while I'm not paying attn :-P I'm going to find it NOW!
January 9th, 2013
@cupkakefiend I use both, sometimes a photo just comes up and my dslr is at home.
January 9th, 2013
@sparkle @smevvy aww guys! You just made my head swell a bit!

Hi Libby and welcome :) I'm in the "can't afford a nice camera...yet" camp, so make do with my iPhone 4S. There is sooo much you can do by playing with some apps. Here are some I use (they're either free or only 69p/$0.99):

Slow shutter - allows you to do really cool light trail shots

Photosynth - allows you to do really cool panoramas

Big Lens - allows you to keep things in focus and make the background blurry. Some of the shots really make it look like you have a DSLR!

Gorillacam - great for self-timing and time lapse, which you can use for self-portrait and fancy tricks

PicFrame - for cute collages

And last but not least - Snapseed, for pretty much everything else! I love the "Drama" filter!

Sorry for the long post!

Good luck! And you've got a new follower now :)
January 9th, 2013
@wr1ghty THANK YOU! I am always trying to find good apps for editing. I really appreciate the suggestions!
January 9th, 2013
Hi, I joined on 1 jan and have used my htc mobile (see, not even an iPhone!!!), my compact and my dslr. I take my compact and phone with me to work, just in case I see something, but the photo is more important than what you take it with. Good luck and enjoy!
January 9th, 2013
@trishmacfarlane hey, interested to know how you find your htc? i have the htc one x and i don't think I've ever managed to take a good photo with it! they're always really bad quality!
January 9th, 2013
If you go to "Browse" and click "Cameras", you will find that the iPhone was the most used camera in the past month :) Like others said, you can take some great photos with an iPhone...also, I believe they sell little tiny lenses that connect to the iPhone...idk if they are any good or not though :)
January 9th, 2013
@wr1ghty Good lord, after seeing Martha's gorgeous shots, now I want an iPhone! As others have pointed out, many people do the project with their phones. Other have p&s and still others have some pretty sweet rigs. I started with a p&s and then upgraded to a DSLR. Welcome and have fun!
January 9th, 2013
Heather, check the red bins picture - that was taken with the htc - it's not bad - mine is a wildfire.
January 9th, 2013
I actually love the iPhone, though I very rarely use it. I have a lens kit for it and everything! Note to self; use iPhone more!
January 9th, 2013
@cupkakefiend in the end a great image can be taken in a huge variety of formats from film to phone to pinhole to toy cameras bought at the opportunity shop. 365ers in my experience are appreciative of wonderful photos rather than with what they are taken. Check out some of the tags such as phoneography or hipsta. If you are using an app such as Hipstamatic include in your description the lens and filter used or in tags. This info doesn't always come across in exif from iPhone apps when uploaded
January 9th, 2013
There are people here doing astonishing things with iPhones - in the end it's just a tool. And a phone.
January 9th, 2013
@shweetheart Thank you :-)

I really wouldn't worry - the most popular camera used on here is in fact the iphone http://365project.org/cameras
January 9th, 2013
Yes people can do amazing things with iphones but in the end what matters is that you are happy with the pictures you take and they represent what you are trying to portray
January 9th, 2013
I love my iphone and use it frequently for my project. It's wonderful because I can process, email and upload while I'm out and about. It can be a lot of fun. It's very different to my camera camera, a nikon, and I explore each tool in different ways. The point for me is creating images I am happy with or learning something from. I generally use the camera + app as it has a lot of subtle-ish processing scope.
January 9th, 2013
I love my iPhone because it's easy to carry everywhere and it takes great pics!
January 9th, 2013
I couldn't believe this was a iphone shot. I saw it on Flickr. Almost made me want to get an iphone.. http://www.flickr.com/photos/alaref/8029284072/
January 9th, 2013
Don't get hung up on equipment. I normally use a Nikon D7000 but for my 365 I'm using just iOS devices (mainly an iPhone5 at the moment) and using apps and accessories to get the creative edge back.

Run your project your way.
January 9th, 2013
At this time the iphone is the most popular used camera on this site. I never had one but you are in good company on this site
January 9th, 2013
@cupkakefiend @alisonp hey! That's my leaf footed bug from last week! :0) Shoot whatcha' got...that is what I have always done! It is fun no matter what!
January 9th, 2013
@wr1ghty Martha! Wow! I am so glad I saw this thread! I want to try those apps you are talking about! Thanks for sharing with us!
January 9th, 2013
@cupkakefiend I'm not a professional photographer and I follow several other members that are not as well. This is for us to experiment and learn. Looking forward to learning from each other!

@wr1ghty I should look into those apps, carrying a DSLR is a little obnoxious sometimes, need to practice with my iphone!
January 9th, 2013
@smevvy I have HTC, and find they are really unpredictable re quality of photos ... The only thing I do like is the colours it captures of sunsets ... Sometimes better than the dslr
January 9th, 2013
I shoot with a dslr that I saved for and bought second , but am definitely not a pro. You can learn a lot just by liking at photos from the really good photographers on here. I don't use my phone camera often, and never for this project so far, but I only have a cheap phone with a rubbish camera. No iPhone for me. :-(
January 10th, 2013
don't worry. I use a digital camera and it probably gives me the same quality as your Iphone. I'm also not an artist and that is not even my intention. I just want to take pictures to keep as memories and together, they form my diary of this year.
I sometimes feel the same way as you, that this site is only meant for artists, so I was glad to read your message.
Good luck on your project!
January 11th, 2013
@cupkakefiend You have done us all a favour here - you've flushed out @wr1ghty's Apps and techniques. She's a genius. @petervanallen does amazing things with his iPad (and I think he did all iPhone one year?)
January 11th, 2013
I usually carry 3 cameras around: (1) a DSLR (Pentax K-5), (2) a p&s (Canon Cyber-Shot DSC-WX100), and a cel phone (iPhone 4S). I post pictures from all three.

Today's shot (or rather yesterday's by now):

(iPhone & fish-eye attachment)

If you want to 'expand' the iPhone, you can get lens attachments:
Sorry, but I don't know the manufacturer. Mabay @grizzlysghost does? He has the same set. The lenses are really cheap.

One of my favourite iPhone-shots so far:

A creative one; post processed:

So, basically, it's not which camera you use, but what you do with it.
January 11th, 2013
Some of the most talented people here use iPhones. I have a DSLR and and iPhone and I use them both. I love my iPhone. Especially when using camera apps like Hipstamatic. This is your project and you can do whatever you like with it. Don't feel intimidated by using an iPhone. I always say it is the photographer not the camera that counts!
January 11th, 2013
@wr1ghty Thanks for those suggestions. I'd like to do more creative shots with my iPhone! Love your shots...
January 11th, 2013
Use your iPhone! If you love taking photos and want to share your creative spirit, join in! I bought my sister an iPhone lens attachment for Christmas. She takes amazing photos! I know professionals who love their iPhone images.
January 11th, 2013
I didn't read all of the other responses, but I want to say that I did several months of iPhone/Blackberry pics and for the most part they turned out as well as my P&S pictures. I'm not a great photographer by any means, but I wanted to document my life. It is great to get cool scenic shots once in awhile but I would rather look at a variety of pictures than the same sunrise every day (on my page, at least). So, for me, using a decent little camera and my phone is perfectly fine by me. I have cool pictures to go back and look at as time goes on :)
January 11th, 2013
I have some fantastic iPhone photos. No worries.
January 11th, 2013
Thanks for all the replies and a ginormous thanks to @wr1ghty for her app insight. I def got all the ones that I didn't have! I think with a decently focused shot and maybe a little editing iphones can be great.

I bake a lot and I'm always taking pictures of my stuff, so I work to try to make them look non-camera phone style, such as these little gems. The pic was really plain before the editing but the quality for a phone picture is pretty decent I think:

January 11th, 2013
Like so many folk in this community I don't class myself as a "photographer". My main aim is to document my year and if people like my pictures along the way, that's a bonus. I've learned a lot from viewing what others have captured and it has also taught me a lot about my camera. BTW I don't do any post-processing except an occasional crop.
January 11th, 2013
@tonydebont I just like processing. Sometimes it's a lot, sometimes it's just a little. But I like vibrant pictures and sometimes I don't get them as vibrant as I want without editing. I also really like centrally focused shots, which I also can't get very well without editing a lot of them.
January 11th, 2013
@cupkakefiend That's the beauty of this community, we all do our thing and get inspired or guided by others.
January 11th, 2013
Lots of folks say this, but it's true - this is your project, your rules ... Whether it's an iPhone, a dSLR, a handheld point and shoot, or film, I have seen insanely great photos on this site. There is a lot to be said for eye and composition - and that will come thru no matter what the tool of choice is. Explore, have fun, and play ...
January 11th, 2013
I have a 2 year old Desire S, and honestly, it's a shambles compared to some of these iPhone pictures, wonderous stuff is technology...upgrade time.... :P

January 11th, 2013
At the risk of repeating what's already been said, I think that more than considering what equipment you are shooting your project with, the most important thing to remember is that this is not a site designed for pros to showcase their work; it is a site for everyone to organize and share a year in their life. Are there pros on here (or folks with talent enough to be pros if they wanted)? Absolutely! But there are also regular people, from all walks of life, with all different levels of talent. For many, it's not about the quality of their photography, rather simply a way to document their world. For others, it is an opportunity to improve their knowledge of photography (and that improvement will reflect in their photos regardless of the equipment).

As a bonus (and as you've already been able to see from the comments on this post), there are a lot of top-notch, supportive human beings on here, whether absolute amateurs or full-blown professionals. It's very encouraging. :-)
January 11th, 2013
It ain't what you got, it's what you do with it that counts. Having said that, if you are happy with your images whether they be good or bad, produced on a pinhole camera or the latest hi-tech whizzy thingy then that counts too - just as long as you are happy.
January 11th, 2013
Think this is the good thing about this site. You have professionals, new amateurs, old amerures, people that came from film to digital, iphone users, dslr users, point and click users. It doesnt matter what you use. If you capture peoples imaginationits all good. Importantly enjoy yourself. Its a hobby to be enjoyed.
January 11th, 2013
You should check out professional photographer Dewitt Jones. He publishes books on his iPhone photos. Check out his Facebook page "Celebrate What's Right". He uses a gazillion apps. Has amazing photos. Good luck with you iPhone!
January 11th, 2013
I go along with you @brav.I sometimes think my shots aren't good enough, I just thought the idea of taking a shot each day that has something to do with myself and my life - a photo diary- was just great. I find a lot of the uploads here astonishing and try to get inspired, but I only have the equipment I have and that's it so don't be Libby @cupkakefiend .I'm in the same position and I often take iphone shots, since I have that with me all the time
January 11th, 2013
Just go for it !! its not the size of your tool that counts its the way you use it lol.....
January 11th, 2013
@cupkakefiend Libby, I don't think you should have any inferiority complex about using an iPhone. I use a point and shoot camera and I don't want anything else. I don't want to be technical, to do lots of editing (I do a little) or to know lots of photographic terminlogy. For me, 365 is firstly a photographic journal. I like to take good pics, of course I do, but it's not a competition. It should be something to enjoy, not to agonise over.
January 11th, 2013
dont feel inadequate with just iphone! I started out with a littlle point and shoot (which I still use on occasion) I moved onto a bridge camera as I wanted to do more with photos thats when I joined 365 this Christmas Hubby bought me a full DSLR (Nikon D7000) havent got a clue what i am doing with it but 365 pushes me to learn work with what you have and if you still enjoy it then maybe you could save for a better camera? there are some great secondhand options out there most importantly just enjoy taking shots no matter what you use! I will follow you too by the way
January 11th, 2013
I don't think there are exactly minimum equipment requirements. I am pretty sure that in order to get the picture every day going there are going to be a few random cell phone snap shots in my project. I have a feeling though if you really get into it eventually you're going to want to be able to do things like bulb exposures, but until then dive in. People seem pretty nice on here. So far no one has told me to get back to the kids table and stay there until I figure out how to spell aperture.
January 11th, 2013
I'm happily following you! I, too, only have my phone camera for now... I was worried my photos would seem subpar but the feedback has been nice.

I'm happy to find you and this post! I have a Samsung Galaxy S3, and I think newer iphones take great pictures ad well. I love my phone's camera... Many pics don't need editing at all or just a bit. It's fun! I love Snapseed for all general editing.

Would love to meet more people who are just starting out and want to get into photography. I can totally relate to people who are currently limited on finances but who are still trying to develop an eye & awareness of surroundings and objects.
January 11th, 2013
I'm sure others have already mentioned some things I'll mention. For what the iPhone is designed for (or at least the phone coupled with the Apple App), general snaps with deep focus fields and in good light, it does fine. You do have to use your feet to frame the shot since there is no zoom, but that puts you right with the masters of film photography with their fixed 35 mm camera lens so it is a good artistic learning experience. Zoom makes new DSLR users somewhat lazy about this. P&S users too!

The flash is really not good, or effective, so try not to rely on it if at all possible.

The camera itself is very small and with the very high density of the sensor, it is inherently "noisy" even at "normal" ISO. The Apple camera application is very careful to keep the ISO particularly low, and so the exposure algorithms produce what might be considered longer exposures than might be considered comfortable, especially in low light. The iPhone 5 has for the first time I believe added in Optical Stabilization (camera shake remediation) so these long induced exposures down to 1/10 of a second don't bother me that much. Earlier releases of the phone, a steady hand is definitely needed.

There are some nice "kit" applications built on top of the public Apple camera API. Try the free Kit Cam, it has some nice things in it to simulate filters and other nice "lens variation" stuff. There are no apps that I know of that provide any over-ride of the exposure settings algorithms. A pity, but Apple hid these from developers a long time ago, I understand from software developers.

Post processing with one or two of the many free editing software packages can do quite a lot to improve the shot out of the camera, so look into those when you have time.

Good luck! I hope this helps you understand your camera phone better, and to show it off for things it does well.
January 13th, 2013
Great article on the benefits of iphone use. Just keep taking great photos with whatever you have access to. http://www.slrlounge.com/how-social-media-is-revolutionizing-photography-how-to-master-it
January 14th, 2013
The only way that I will be able to upload a photo daily is by using my iphone. So I have decided that for this project, I am only using my phone. Sure I'll pull out the DSLR once in awhile, but since I am not a photographer by trade, I find it hard to use my big camera every single day. I have had some great captures (perhaps not photographically brilliant, but great in that I was in the right place at the right time and took a photo of something I normally wouldn't have). Good luck!
January 16th, 2013
@frankhymus @jannkc Thanks for the info!

@sassyanna Cool! I feel much more adequate about my little iphone with all the replies! Not that I needed validation (or.. maybe I did :/????) but it has definitely challenged me to be more aware in my picture taking. It has been so rainy here, I was inspired at first and now it has become hard to find a non-gloomy shot, or a non-indoors shot... I love rain but it's so gloomy after weeks of rain! Sorry for the anti-rain rant, but my house is still drowning in puddles!
January 16th, 2013
@cupkakefiend I can relate to the rain....we get it year round here...
January 16th, 2013
I use my DSLR for most of my pictures, but I do upload photos from my Nokia Lumia on occasion... And I actually think the quality of them is pretty good, too! Some of the editing on phones is not too shabby either. The handful of pictures I've uploaded from my phone has been edited on my phone as well. =) While I have a DSLR, I think I've got a ways to go before I can call myself a pro photographer.
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