August 31st Weekly SH*T List

August 31st, 2023

Welcome to the Weekly SH*T List, your handy-dandy go-to list to keep current on all things challenging. The name is the acronym of the words 'So Happy It's Thursday', (SH*T). Just as everyone understands that TGIF stands for 'Thank Goodness It's Friday', Thursday's acronym is not quite as polite but very effective. This list is usually posted late Wednesday evening (MST) since there is only one more time zone west of me and most of the world is on Thursday by now. It may be later if there is something going on in my life.

For those who are not sure what the challenges listed below are all about, just click on the link and it will bring you right to the original post that has all the rules and information needed to enter. Wendy has also spelled the acronym of any challenges in full for further clarity.

While the Weekly SH*T list only lists the ending date of the current challenges, please go through the discussion board to find challenges to be voted on. Voting can be just as important as participation and is generally the most fun and exciting part of the challenges.

Don’t forget to click the link to check out the details of any challenges you are considering in case I may have messed up the dates or such.

There is also a posting on how to set up a new challenge under Tips and Tricks for those of you who win a challenge for the first time. Now there is no reason not to enter all these great challenges!

People 24 Challenge (People with Pets) ENDS TODAY - Thursday, August 31st
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ETSOOI 154 Challenge (Edit the Shenanigans Out Of It) ENDS TODAY - Thursday, August 31st'rescuing'-an-image-with-etsooi-154
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NDAO 17 Challenge (Non Domestic Animals Outside) - Only Wild - ENDS TODAY - Thursday, August 31st
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Abstract 75 Challenge ENDS TODAY - Thursday, August 31st!
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Song Title 99 Challenge ENDS TODAY - Thursday, August 31st
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Six Word Story 142 Challenge ENDS TODAY - Thursday, August 31st
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Scenes of the Road 59 Challenge runs from August 5th to Tuesday, September 5th
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Sports Action 16 runs from July 10th to Sunday, September 10th
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Landscape 60 Challenge runs from August 15th to Sunday, September 10th
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Composite 58 Challenge EXTENDED to Sunday, September 10th
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Minimal 41 Challenge (Circular) runs from August 9th to Tuesday, September 12th'circular'
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Mundane Challenge (Lamp) runs from August 14th to Friday, September 15th
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MFPIAC 124 Challenge – My Favourite Pictures in a Collage – (Bokeh) runs from August 21st to Sunday, September 17th
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Kathy @myhrhelper introduces us to On Camera Flash for the second lesson on the Lighting and Flash Challenge. Kathy offers a ton of great tips and links for us to try out. It is a great learning experience!! Give it a try. Challenge runs from August 21st to Monday, September 18th
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Album Cover Challenge 147 runs from September 3rd to Sunday, September 24th!
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Black and White 83 Challenge (Rule of Thirds) runs from August 25th to Monday, September 25th
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Street 106 Challenge runs from August 28th to Tuesday, September 26th!!
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People 25 Challenge (People in Transit) runs from September 1st to Tuesday, September 26th
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ETSOOI 155 Challenge (Edit the Shenanigans Out of It) runs from September 1st to Saturday, September 30th!
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BLD 23 Challenge (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner) – Triptych – runs from August 23rd to Friday, October 1st
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WWYD-223 Challenge (What Would You Do) runs from September 4th to Wednesday, October 4th
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JoeyM @joemuli features Textures on Thursdays with a weekly theme.
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Annie @annied has resurrected Abstract August again this year. She invites anyone who is up to a month of abstract to please feel free to join in - a day, a week, the whole month.
So, be on the look out for texture, form, shapes, lines, colours...anything that has potential for an awesome abstract.*abstract-august* Tag and Entries:

Chris Cook @cdcook has resurrected September’s Nifty Fifty SOOC for those of you who thrive on personal monthly challenges such as Abstract August, May Half/Half, and February Flash of Red.
The object is to take and post images using only a 50mm lens (or full frame equivalent) and post the JPEG as captured in camera. (SOOC - Straight Out Of Camera). No post processing allowed which includes cropping or horizon straightening. This challenge requires us to put more thought into the end result before we press the shutter.
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5+2 for the love of selfies, Get Pushed, and the Darkroom are weekly challenges that are open to all and well worth considering. Their current links are found below.

The 2023 edition of the 52 Week Challenge hosted by Mel @m2016 runs for the whole year but you can jump in at any point. Week 36: Soap Bubbles,-week-36-soap-bubbles
Here is the initial post, along with the list of themes for the whole year.!

Thank you, Annie @annied for continuing on with the Word of the Month! This challenge is a great place for those who occasionally lose their mojo and need ideas or inspiration. It is also a great challenge for those who want to go that extra nine yards to do a full month of words.**september-words-of-the-month**
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Please do not forget to check out these weekly / monthly features where you can highlight your work by posting your favourite shot of the week, do a Flashback, or highlight the work of another or from your own work. They are easy, and fun to do.
August 31st, 2023
Omg, I've in excess of 80 photos to look through to shortlist!!! All of them fabulous.
August 31st, 2023
I realize why people are changing the dates of challenges to monthly challenges, but it really makes it inconvenient to enter them all.
I much prefer to see challenges spread out throughout the month more.
I guess doing it this way encourages members to be more efficient and enter them on a timely basis rather than at the last minute. (though I work better under pressure and I would never get anything done if it weren't for the last minute!!)
August 31st, 2023
@farmreporter what did we used to do??
August 31st, 2023
Some challenges would only run a couple of weeks and some for a full month but end in the middle of the month.
There would never be more than one challenge end on the same day ... unless it happened by coincidence.
It was great - then a member could concentrate on the next challenge rather than having them all end on the same day!
September 1st, 2023
@farmreporter I wonder how we can shake it up, so much voting gong on at the moment!! If we didn't have your SH_T list we'd be scuppered you know!!
September 1st, 2023
It just takes a mere suggestion to the incoming host to end the challenge on a day other than the end of the month.
It would be easy to check the SH*T list to see gaps in challenge dates (challenges are posted in reverse chronological order with the ones ending soonest at the beginning and going down to the ones members have more time on)
I will make a note at the beginning of next week's SH*T list and you can mention it to others on your own as well.
September 1st, 2023
I'll suggest it to the winners
September 5th, 2023
and from another point of view when we discussed this some time back - if I post a great photo that i've say done a big ETSOOI on, and then find that there ended up being a gap between the last one ending and the voting happening and the next person starting.

If I know that challenges start and end with each month, I can easily enter any photo and I know which one it will land in. It is way more effort for me to have to stop, find the latest Sh*T list, and see when a challenge is ending. Oh it doesn't show on the list, darn search search now I've lost time I didn't have to find out it ended and hasn't started again yet. Mess about, find what the last tag was and just tag it the next tag figuring it will be backdated.

instead if they went month to month, wow so easy for everyone!

if you start really late, maybe just make the challenge go to the end of the next month rather than the current one.

I guess we will never all agree on this one
September 6th, 2023
The host could still back date the challenge to start the day the last challenge ended and have the challenge for a full month - just not end on the end of the month. That way anything you have waiting in the wings will always be eligible for the challenge.
Oh, BTW - the Weekly SH*T list is posted in General so it is easy to find ... General is not nearly as crowded as Themes and Competitons.
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