one subject April

March 26th, 2022
some years ago someone started a theme for the month of April of photographing the same thing every day... i can't recall who that was, but as no one else was leading the charge i started this challenge up in April 2020 and then again in April 2021... and quite a few of you decided to join me... We're coming up on April again, and i'm set to play - anyone else?

the deets:

pick a subject, any subject, so long as it is something you will have access to every day during the month of April... in 2020 I picked my bedroom window (blame COVID!)... and then last year i picked a game piece i named "secret agent man"...

anyhoo, pick a subject and then think of a new and different way to take a picture of if every day...

that's it... there are no other rules! you can try different photography techniques, different perspectives, different cameras, camera settings and lenses, different processing styles.... the world's your oyster!

this is an exercise in creativity and stick-to-it-iveness...

play along for a couple of days, a week, or the complete month...

tag your photos 30-shots2022

the most important part is to have fun!
March 26th, 2022
I'll play. I did water as the subject last year. Need to think - or really way overthink and mull over - for this year.

Thank you for taking on the organization!
March 26th, 2022
I'm in
March 26th, 2022
Ooh I like the idea of this. I’m off to put my thinking cap on.
March 26th, 2022
I think it was me quite a few years ago, can't remember if I carried on from someone else hahaha - was just thinking about it last night trying to remember who had been doing the last couple. I'm in - just have to find a subject :)
March 26th, 2022
This was my collage when I did it in March 2014 - Mace ran it that year - she hasn't been around since 2014
March 27th, 2022
oh, goodie! i did the toilet paper in 2020, first time i did the one subject april challenge and last year i picked, quite randomly in my desire to participate, what was in front of me at the time - the bamboo plant. wonder what i can do for this year. i have no phojo nor mojo or any 'jo' at the mo. (that rhymes although horribly, non?) but i will play.
March 27th, 2022
I'm in too, have already been thinking about what to use as my subject this year. I've already done my garden shed, my Teddy bear and last year Precious was my model. Haven't made a decision for this year yet.
March 27th, 2022
I enjoyed this last years, will plan to play again this year. As long as I can think of a decent subject!

Thanks for hosting!
March 27th, 2022
I did this a few years ago and did flowers, I cheated a bit by posting a different flower each day but it was the best I could come yo with. If I think of something I will join in this year
March 27th, 2022
Oh, this was fun last year. I'm in ... just need to think of a subject
March 27th, 2022
I did cutlery in 2020 and then my kitchen last year. I'll join in this year, think i have a subject , whereabouts is that lodger cat??!
March 27th, 2022
I think I have an idea...
March 27th, 2022
I’m very new to this but think I might have a go
March 27th, 2022
Yes it sounds a great, count me in. Just have to put my thinking cap on
March 27th, 2022
This was great fun the year I participated. I'm in.
March 27th, 2022
I did this back in March 2017 and used my tree in the backyard. It was fun but challenging. I think the original one was started by Mace and the one I did in 2017 was started by Annie D. I'm not sure I'll do it this year but I'll have to think about it.
March 27th, 2022
@northy Is the subject allowed to be moveable or does it have to be a fixed object. When I first did it, the rules said it had to be an object that can't be moved around.
March 27th, 2022
@mittens your project…. Your rules! 🙂…. If you want the extra challenge of an immovable object - go for it! But I didn’t bother with that restriction…. And really - it’s only for bragging rights so “you do you”!
March 27th, 2022
@mittens Marilyn I did my kitchen last year, objects from, in and around. Year before - items of cutlery 🍴!! No idea yet what to do this year!!
March 27th, 2022
Last year I used a large jar of caramel creams….pretty sure my cardiologist (& my dentist for that matter) would prefer I made a better choice this year! Will see what I can come up with; it is definitely challenging.
March 27th, 2022
Where did that year go. I got to know my grandfather clock very well last year.
March 27th, 2022
This is my year to do it!
March 27th, 2022
@northy @30pics4jackiesdiamond Thank you for clarifying it and good to know.
March 27th, 2022
I'm in but only 4 days to decide on a subject . . . !!
March 27th, 2022
@wakelys that was a great subject!
March 28th, 2022
@northy I'd like to use the subject. the stuff in my shed
March 28th, 2022
Question: is the subject supposed to be one thing or item in particular like someone said a teddy bear or a particular plant which would be the same everyday or is it a general subject like cars, which could be different cars each day? Thanks
March 28th, 2022
I think I will choose "Spring" as my subject, as I need some Spring photos.
March 31st, 2022
In again. Last year I was doing PinkApril too so I did a pink poodle beanie baby. Need to think of a subject I’ll have fun with this year.
April 1st, 2022
I have never joined in any themes or competitions but I think it's time. I will do my dog as it's school holidays mid-April and I need something I can shot while on holiday. I hope this is ok?
April 1st, 2022
@christinav absolutely fine! Your project, your rules! The only important thing is that you have fun!
April 1st, 2022
I will play but in a theme way not a single subject, I'm going to do birds
April 1st, 2022
Think I’m going to try it. I need this to get my brain into gear every morning. Thanks
April 1st, 2022
Count me in, really enjoyed previous years thank you
April 1st, 2022
I’ll try. I’m not sure of all days but almost all month
April 1st, 2022
I did our Magnolia tree last year, which was decimated by the frosts we had.
April 1st, 2022
The chickadees just moved into my birdhouse, so maybe I can document my new neighbors.
April 2nd, 2022
Well, I missed yesterday, but I have an idea, and a start. I'll plan to backfill something for yesterday.
April 2nd, 2022
I posted today's photo on instagram, and decided to tag it #30shots2022. If anybody else is on Instagram... and posts their photos... and wants to tag 'em... join me!
April 3rd, 2022
I've enjoyed B&W Feb, and rainbow march. A bit late but I think I'll give this one a go to! thx @northy
April 3rd, 2022
I chose the theme "Shadows" for this interesting challenge in April.
April 4th, 2022
I'm in, "trains" will be the theme for me this month. I've missed the first two days but will start today.
April 9th, 2022
@northy Oh boy, I totally forgot about this challenge that I've enjoyed for three years :) Last years subject was a facemask, the year before a vacuum cleaner and the first one was a black chair! All great fun and challenging indeed. Hmmm, bit late now...
April 12th, 2022
I've not done this before, but it looks like fun so I'll jump in. My obvious subject is the cat. I always take loads of pics of him, but now suddenly, he looks boring....:(
May 1st, 2022
what a month, it flew by
May 1st, 2022
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