February Words - Dutch Tilt  by farmreporter

February Words - Dutch Tilt

Shadow loves to chase squirrels. Next to chasing balls, working sheep or cows, it is one of his favourite occupations.
But the squirrels are so quick they safely get high in a tree where they will loudly scold him until he leaves again.
But today, a squirrel decided to run into the hole in our ancient apple instead, and it soon became a stand off between dog and squirrel.
Dog could not get at the squirrel but the squirrel could not get past the dog. I am sure it would have remained like this all day but I called Shadow off.
I was able to get a ton of shots while Shadow stood staring intently into the hole. I used the Dutch Tilt. which is today's word, to this shot since I could see straight down Shadow's back to the hole he was staring at.
I then turned it B&W for the flash of red challenge.
So sorry that this one is so similar to the one I have in my main album but I did not see this one until this morning when I was cleaning up my card.
Should have used this one only since it does work for the FoR and February words. Oops - so sorry!
February 3rd, 2019  
So cute!
February 3rd, 2019  
Nice focus and detail. I love how we can see all the bits of snow on Shadows fur and face.
February 3rd, 2019  
Awww, Shadow is such a wonderful model.
February 3rd, 2019  
Nice photo!!
February 3rd, 2019  
He looks very determined.
February 3rd, 2019  
Lovely photo and nice tilt! Was very nice to try this out, while knowing that it has a name, lol. Used it before on my holidays, never new the technical name
February 3rd, 2019  
the tilt helps give this such a different feel
February 3rd, 2019  
This is awesome!! The detail is incredible!!
February 3rd, 2019  
Fabulous detail
February 3rd, 2019  
Fascinating shot of Shadows concentration & his eyes on that hole!
February 3rd, 2019  
It is a good clear photo of your dog doing its dog thing.
February 3rd, 2019  
Definitely qualifies for Light and Shadow! Lovely detail.
February 7th, 2019  
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