It's not about the glory
It's a calling we all know
A silent pride of service
That few do ever show
Remember me with honor
Let another take the lead
And answer every siren
With purpose, pride and speed.
...Robert Longley
OfficerTy Lenehan was riding his police motorcycle to work at 5:15am when he was hit and killed by a DUI driver driving the wrong direction on the highway. Such a tragedy.
I went to Elk Grove to walk in a park with a friend but first we stood and watched the procession. Standing next to us was the previous Chief of Police in Elk Grove who had hired this officer.
The funeral will be February 1.
The driver is in custody and faces four felonies including DUI, wrong way driving and murder. He had a prior DUI conviction and was on probation at the time of the deadly crash.
In the state of California, if another DUI offense causes someone's death, you are held liable under a Watson DUI Murder Charge.
It was a moving experience and sad to lose an officer from a drunk driver. I will tune into his funeral this Wednesday.