Raglan Wharf  by happypat

Raglan Wharf

I am struggling for photos at the moment, I’m at a loss how I managed to take so few suitable pictures while I was in NZ recently.
I never actually went anywhere to take proper views just family ones that aren’t the most interesting.
This was taken on the Sunday before I came home at Raglan Wharf.
We had fish & chips just like old times when Ant lived near Raglan.

Three good things:
1. A visit from an old childhood friend, her husband & her sister....it’s always lovely to see them & they travel up from Leicester.
2. Even if you don’t I tend to vote for Boris his last party political broadcast tonight was inspired! A parody of the scene in Love Actually where the guy shows the girl different cards with his message on. I thought it hilarious!
3. Jack spent 90 minutes talking to BT about our appointment about Fibre, no one turned up. Too long a story to go into but we have at last sorted out a big muddle to do with our farm address being used by the people converting out old milking parlour. BT thought we already had fibre, it’s sorted now hopefully - good for Jack!
You will be so busy at the moment with all that is going on in your life - so good that you can post any photo. Half the time its the description and comments that are appealing and not so much the photo!
December 10th, 2019  
I spent most of my summers here in Raglan. Love it!! Lovely image.
December 10th, 2019  
I didn't recognise this as one of yours Pat ! but I love it - a lovely composition and the boat as a focal point ! My photo mojo is very low at the moment too !!
December 10th, 2019  
I know -- visiting family is like that. Lots of family memory photos but not photo-walk shots. I do like this one for its sense of place. I might have either cropped our or more fully included the person on the left.
December 10th, 2019  
Beautiful scene
December 10th, 2019  
@jyokota Thanks Junko, I never even noticed the person on the left....I haven’t done anything with this edit wise....did wonder after if I should have cropped it on the right!
December 10th, 2019  
@beryl thanks Beryl.....I liked the boat detail.... no wonder in this weather, last thing on our minds is taking photos!
December 10th, 2019  
@zeezee A very relaxing place.... I love it, got some fab earrings!
December 10th, 2019  
@maggiemae Exactly how I feel Maggie!
December 10th, 2019  
@sdutoit Thank you
December 10th, 2019  
Lovely composition.
December 10th, 2019  
Lovely shot. I would have cropped out the chap on the left of the picture though.

I haven't got much phojo at the moment either.
December 10th, 2019  
Wonderful composition!
December 11th, 2019  
Beautiful scene
December 11th, 2019  
Great shot
December 11th, 2019  
@happypat -- I hadn't even considered cropping right until you mentioned it but now I see it might have made that line more prominent and stronger, more dynamic. But with the right included, I think the peacefulness of the place is featured.
December 11th, 2019  
Lovely capture - busy season if you skip a day or two no one will scold.
December 11th, 2019  
Nicely composed and captured
December 11th, 2019  
A really lovely capture.
December 13th, 2019  
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