Time with friends by happypat

Time with friends

A small article in our paper today made me think of happy times with friends.
Taken a couple of years ago in Killarney.
We have so many good times to remember & hopefully continue to spend happy times together.

Loneliness can increase risk of a stroke by up to 56 per cent, a Harvard study suggests.
The middle aged are most at risk. I’m often struck by how much of my working day is focussed on social problems rather than strictly medical. So many of our difficulties in life come down to a struggle to find someone to connect with & the best medicine I could ever prescribe would be a friend!

Isn’t that so true? Our friends are so very important to us. 365 friends included!

Bernie, Winifred & Carol thank you. Plus many more that we all spend fantastic times with.
Cork in August next! 😍
What a fabulous image and your narrative is so true. We have to have friends!
July 8th, 2024  
Lovely photo & narrative. Its good to see friends to chat & most importantly laugh.
July 8th, 2024  
Amen, Pat! Friends are vital to our health! So grateful God has given me many over the years, and not the least, those I've found here in 365! Love your happy "memory" photo! 🤗
July 8th, 2024  
Happy times indeed, we all need to keep connecting!
July 8th, 2024  
Great photo, they look like a mischevious bunch!
July 8th, 2024  
Lovely photo and narrative - and so true !
July 8th, 2024  
Wonderful words and so true…
July 8th, 2024  
There is nothing quite like time out with besties
July 8th, 2024  
you are right Pat re friends and yes our online community of friends are very important too
July 8th, 2024  
You are so right Pat. What would we do without friends?
July 8th, 2024  
Yes I believe in this.. friendship are very special I found this when I was sick and my contact on line (as covid times) was very important but once things opened up it was my savior ..
July 8th, 2024  
This is just lovely and I so agree with your story. How could we have imagined that 30 years after we met when we came to your amazing bed and breakfast for one night, that our friendship would have grown for so long. You are a very very special friend Pat.
Susannah had her 3rd birthday in France, just a few days after we had stayed with you and last week she was 33!
Love you always, and Harry too!!
July 8th, 2024  
Lovely capture
July 8th, 2024  
What a great happy image. I agree with your story. As we don't have any family living near us our friends are very important and many of our friends are in the same position as us, so we all support each other. Many of our friends live alone so we all keep an eye out for them too.
July 8th, 2024  
Lovely smiles!
July 9th, 2024  
What @carole_sandford Carole says!
July 9th, 2024  
Lovely memory for you and your friends!
July 9th, 2024  
Ah, yes, friends. So important. Old and new. Lovely happy photo.
July 9th, 2024  
Ha ha, loving the laughter! I'm with the lady on the left. Guinness is my choice too!
July 9th, 2024  
Delightful story telling image and story. Here's to friends!
July 9th, 2024  
Brilliant shot of you three. And you all look very happy together. Your words are very true.
July 9th, 2024  
@sangwann @briaan @casablanca @jamibann @loweygrace @maggiemae @kwind @onewing @joansmor @julzmaioro
@busylady @phil_howcroft @rensala @beverley365 @beryl @countrylassie @boxplayer @bjywamer @carole_sandford @louannwarren

I feel you all deserve individual replies for your wonderful comments & thoughts. Excuse me if I don’t as I would get even more behind!
I think we all agree our friendships are the most important things in our lives apart from family & some might even say more important!
We choose our friends! Thank you all for your friendships.
July 9th, 2024  

You bring a tear to the eye Sallie! I can’t believe it’s 30 years since we first met you & Allan & your gorgeous little family & they were little! All in pink matching tee shirts…I remember it so vividly.
It’s been lovely to follow their lives & even met the grown up David or was it Jonathan on the charity bike ride.
It was you that introduced me to 365 in the first place so thank you both for your friendship & the whole 365 family. Loved seeing you last year….there is always a bed for you here. Lots of love Harry & Pat. Xxxxxxxxxx😘😘
July 9th, 2024  
A lovely capture of your friends
July 9th, 2024  
Great to have photos of friend to look back on!
July 9th, 2024  
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