Resident Bunny by jamibann

Resident Bunny

Yesterday dead mouse, today live bunny! Whilst this little fella is very cute, I suspect he will become a pest as he will eat anything new I plant in the garden. However, the garden is last on my list of priorities for the moment, so let him have his moment of glory! You can see what a dry summer we're having (SO unusual) - the grass is pretty burned up.

I'm struggling to keep up with 365, but determined not to leave a blank patch. I always regretted that when we moved from the US to France! Trying very hard to keep using the camera even if it's for a mundane photo.

The house is improving. All unpacked and reasonably functional now. Main shipment from January will be delivered on Monday, so that will be another challenge as we search for spaces for everything and wonder why it was so important to keep 'that certain item'! Still waiting for the odd thing to be fixed/finished, but the main issue is the outside. They seem to have gone on strike. They've dug up everything, but not started the laying of slabs - so we are trailing muck and sand into the house every time we go in and out. I wonder for how long I am going to have to keep old bits of carpet down to protect my new wooden floors. Argh!

Apologies again for the lack of commenting - I will catch up when I can!
I don't mind rabbits, they're delicious. They do need to be controlled though - the amount of eggs they leave lying around in April is appalling.
July 6th, 2018  
Awwww.....he's a little dear......good luck with the unpacking.....we had a 'box room' for about three years......until we decided that our visitors perhaps would prefer a functioning bedroom when they came to stay !!!
July 6th, 2018  
Good luck with the unpacking of everything...
July 6th, 2018  
If they haven't finished the outside you will be glad the weather has been so good! Cute little rabbit!
July 6th, 2018  
Cute rabbit. Hopefully they will start working better soon outside.
July 6th, 2018  
You've been amazing to keep up through your move Issi. This is a great shot of your resident bunny!
July 6th, 2018  
A cute image for now.
July 7th, 2018  
Hmmm I feel like you about these furry little creatures. We had a real bother with wild ones when our younger son acquired a pet one but not sorry now that they have moved beyond new houses built nearby.
July 7th, 2018  
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