Steel-rope Bridge at Steall Falls by jamibann

Steel-rope Bridge at Steall Falls

Another no-Munro day yesterday. Torrential rain and wind. So, we walked up Glen Nevis and crossed the steel-rope bridge over the River Nevis. Great fun, although not for the feint of heart! The river was deep, fast flowing and cold, so best avoided! I took this shot of a French lady crossing over - we both walked over after her. I did take photos of John crossing, but this one shows the whole crossing at its best. And guess what, unless you're heading for the hills, you have to come back the same way, which we did yesterday.

We are, once again, sitting in our pod hesitating and contemplating the weather. To try for a munro or not? It's still wet and visibility will be poor. However, it's less rainy and less windy. Will we or won't we? 9 am is cut off point for doing it or going home!
Hmmmm not for me.. Well done you two though..
July 5th, 2024  
oh my goodness! you are very well practiced
July 5th, 2024  
That looks enormous fun! But not the faint hearted for sure!! Absolutely throwing it down here. Wishing you well with your day, whatever you decide.
July 5th, 2024  
The two of you are just amazing, I think nothing is too complicated or difficult! I sure could not manage that. A fabulous capture of this amazing bridge.

Good luck with the weather, by now you are either on your way home or on the way to bag another Munro :-)
July 5th, 2024  
Good incentive not to fall in that cold fast flowing river! Great shot.
July 5th, 2024  
I hope someone was watching over you! You have to have nerves of steel for this!
July 5th, 2024  
Oh my, you are very brave!
July 5th, 2024  
I agree withh Maggiemae.
July 5th, 2024  
Exciting crossing… & back
I hope the weather is good enough for you … it changes so quickly
July 5th, 2024  
Do you have nerves of steel? Great capture!
July 5th, 2024  
Whoa! That looks like fun! :)
July 5th, 2024  
Wow - what an image! How does one even get up onto the cable?
Hope the munro-ing worked out in the end.
July 5th, 2024  
That looks very hairy! She has nerve & style! Must be quite a fete getting up on the thing to start with! Great fun to see this…..different adventures but hope you’re back in your Munro groove again soon.
July 5th, 2024  
Braver woman than me!
July 5th, 2024  
WOW , no way Issi !!!!
July 5th, 2024  
An exciting experience and great shot.
July 5th, 2024  
Wow - what a great experience - for someone else with no fear of heights and great balance! This must be a Must-do for sooo many people!
July 5th, 2024  
Wow you are brave.
July 6th, 2024  
I don't think I ever had the nerve to do something like this.
July 6th, 2024  
This looks like so much fun though I'm not sure I would be game to try it. You really aren't having a very nice summer weather wise, I hope it cleared for you to get a munro in
July 6th, 2024  
Wow! That's an amazing way to cross. Can't wait to find out what happened.
July 6th, 2024  
Oh wow. I definitely wouldn't do that!
July 6th, 2024  
Wow- in my younger days I MIGHT have attempted it, but I've never been good with balance! But it seems to me that a challenge like this can also be half the fun. Good shot!
July 7th, 2024  
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