Rather than December's typical snowfall, we got rain. I just wanted to place some festive red velvet bows on the urns at the entrance to the driveway — not get dripping wet; but the bright side is that I saw this! The pretty twists of wire decorated with sparkling raindrops sent me dashing inside for my camera, and who cares about getting dripping wet when faced with a gift like this?
There is a way to live the big of giving thanks in all things. It is this: to give thanks in this one small thing. The moments will add up.
— Ann Voskamp
I praise you, Lord for the pretty twists of wire decorated with sparkling raindrops.
Cool shot. You had posted on my latest photo that you were now following me but I just checked my followers and you are not listed in them. Maybe the follow button didn't take. Thank you for your encouraging comments on my photos and thank you for wanted to follow me.
Nicely captured. I have put off the outdoor decs so long I'm not sure they'll get up this beyond the wreath on the door. It's just been too rainy, or too cold, or both. And on the warmer days, I've been busy, so... I admire yours!