A low low tide was predicted at 6 AM, so I planned an early morning photoshoot to one of my favorite tide pool spots. Bad news was that we watched a very adrenaline producing movie just before bed last night so I hardly slept. When we climbed down to this beach with all my gear my brain would hardly work so I forgot to really scope out the light...which hadn't hit the beach yet anyway. I could have gotten better shots if I hadn't gotten so cold by the time the light hit the beach more that my fingers no longer worked. But this is what I got!
Swirls of silky water & that beautiful layered sky....cold at 6am ...surprising as you are about on a similar line as the UK & we would not expect cold fingers at this time of the year even at that time of the morning!!! Oregan I think ?
Well it's still fabulous and worth your dedication and you can view it as a trial run. Most of my photos were rushed due to being with family and I couldn't see the screen because of the sunshine to check what I'd taken - bit I don't mind going back again!