In a brief lull between rain storms, I popped out the door to catch this amazing fungus. It was 3" off the ground and I had my tripod flat out and me on my belly hoping I'd be able to get up again and getting soaked through. I took shots for focus stacking...about 7 of them, but when I put them together afterwards, there were so many planes to focus on I would have needed at least 20 to get it all in focus. So here is a cropped version of one plane. Oh, and I did manage to get back up off the ground!
Thanks so much for your fun response to yesterday's water and oil shot and for your visits, friendship, comments, suggestions, favs
You really used focus stacking effectively here. I think that for a macro, this is more effective combining clarity and blur. I'm guessing you still had to use several to focus stack for this much clarity. The news from the NW says you are still getting clobbered by rain. Wow! Take care!