Must be seen on black for full appreciation. The little crazy man who is looking down from just above the lava that explodes as it hits the water and might at any moment undermine the surface that it is coming from went way past the fences that are meant to keep people off the most dangerous areas. I was aghast! But he does provide a great sense of scale for my photo. For me, it was a sufficient thrill to stand where I was! This shot was taken at about 4 AM despite what my camera says...I forgot to change the time setting for HI's time zone.
I'm so happy you liked my little hummer. Thanks for yur visits, comments, suggestions, favs
@hvansteenburgh I went with a photographer who has a friend who owns ajoining property which cut off two miles each way. We only had 2 miles each at 3 AM and not too hot when we returned about 7:30 AM. The best way to come is on the access road, not from the park. From the park it is 7 grueling miles each way they say
Truly amazing and a MUST to view against black. So glad your crazy little guy was there- adds a bunch to the shot since I guess he survived. The action and the colors are spectacular. Fav
OMG!! This is perhaps the best lava shot ever!! It looks like fireworks in an otherworldly way -- totally incredibly amazing!! Worth a middle of the night hike. Fav obviously!
I'm with @taffy. It's the best lava shot I've ever seen too. You should enter this one in a competition, it's so dramatic and so well shot. The foolhardy fellow above the action gives such a good sense of scale and adds to the drama unfolding below. I call people like that here 'temporary Australians'. Crazy, in spades.