My oldest son and his family including my adorable 2 1/2 yo grandson have been here so I have been fully absorbed with them for the past week. I really wanted to shoot the milky way while the moon was small but was way too tired at night after playing all day to go out again. But last night I finally was able to. I tried a new spot and think maybe I like other places I have shot the milky way around town better but it was wonderful to be out with the sky full of stars. Best on black.
Thanks for your visits, comments, suggestions, favs
@jgpittenger Really? You must live somewhere outside all the city lights then? The most stars I ever saw was in British Columbia, Canada at a B&B. We could see so many stars, the Milky Way and satellites orbiting, crystal clear in the sky It was so amazing! We have too many lights out where I am. Anyway, I love your Milky Way photography!