I love pomegranates and they are a birthday tradition for me...and my birthday is soon approaching. Best on black.
I'm so glad you loved my shot of Pearl in all her joyful exuberance yesterday. Thanks for your visits, comments, suggestions, favs
@ludwigsdiana I had to laugh re your query because this isn’t as sharp front to back as I wanted but I felt too puny to keep trying...but here’s how I did it. Black plexiglass surface, black material hung behind and on table surface, side light from sliding glass door, macro lens on tripod. I used tethering software by Helicon focus called Helicon remote and let it do the shots at diffferent focal lengths and then used Helicon focus to stack those images pulling best focused areas out of each shot. If I were to do it again, I would have shot multiple shots changing focus point near to far taking about 10 shots. They take them all as layers to PS, edit align layers, then edit stack layers. I think it would have worked better that way. Helicon remote isn’t very user friendly. If this isn’t clear, let me know
I must confess that I've never eaten pomegranate as such, just little bits on something else. Love this photo, hard to tell where the reflections begin, very clever.
Wow on black - fascinating to read how you did that. Do hope you get to rid of that nasty cold quickly - they do tend to linger. Sharing is well over-rated.
@jgpittenger Thanks so much for the detailed description Jane, I much appreciate it. I do not think I or my camera would manage that! It sounds very time consuming and I do not have PS. Your pic is simply stunning :-)