Train’s Allure by jmdeabreu

Train’s Allure

Day 277/365 (19Aug2024)
Ah, the sweet symphony of a Monday spent navigating the backlog, serenaded by the haunting silence of an empty meeting room (thanks, Teams fatigue). The rest of the team, thankfully, is still chiming in with updates, drowning out the melancholy drone of sprint planning and unresolved Jira tickets. In a desperate attempt to reclaim my sanity (and maybe a sliver of my agile spirit), I ventured into the local woods, armed with my trusty playlist and a healthy dose of skepticism.
As trains whizzed past, taunting me with their boundless freedom, I pondered the allure of these steel beasts. Is it the promise of escape, the rhythmic clattering lulling you into a trance, or simply the thrill of watching unsuspecting commuters frantically search for their tickets? Whatever the reason, I found myself captivated, perhaps a bit too much so, judging by the side-eye from a squirrel who clearly thought I was auditioning for a role in “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.”
Speaking of questionable sanity, did anyone else notice the sky looking particularly moody tonight? I’m talking dark, swirling clouds, like an angsty teenager’s Tumblr page. Or maybe it was just reflecting my own internal monologue. Who knows.
And speaking of reflections (seamless transitions, am I right?), let’s not forget the delightful path I stumbled upon in the dark, straight out of a twisted fairytale. Moonbeams slicing through the leaves, casting long shadows that whispered secrets of teddy bear picnics and lurking monsters (okay, maybe just an overactive imagination). Still, the whole scene felt like a metaphor waiting to be unpacked. Are the “bears” our hidden fears, or simply the mundane realities of adulting that we try to sugarcoat with nostalgia? Maybe it’s both. Or maybe I’m just losing it.
Either way, it’s getting late, and I have some blurry, avant-garde photographs to edit. Because who needs sleep when you can confuse and bewilder your Instagram followers with abstract art? Stay tuned for more questionable life choices and artistic expressions of my impending midlife crisis.
I so enjoy your narrative style, your mind works in mysterious ways and I mean that as a compliment.
August 20th, 2024  
Your vibrant fast moving whiz bang photo caught my eye… on the popular page. Great pov & capture.

An inspiring, informative and fun giggly read, it’s a wonderful thing to play with words for both the reader and yourself.
Absolutely brilliant.

August 20th, 2024  
Thank you both 😍
August 20th, 2024  
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