I am growing basil on my kitchen counter. I started the seeds in an Aero Garden and then replanted the tiny plants in soil. The soil had a gift for me, 3 ever so small mushrooms-variety unknown. The 'shrooms' are about 1 inch tall and so delicate.
@s4sayer Thank you, I was playing with my 'kit' lens and an extension tube as well as hand held. Macro is a world where I am very inexperienced but gotta try so I learn more.
@domenicododaro I admit to not noticing the blown out area because I was just happy to get some clarity in the mushroom top. I was also using an inexpensive manual extension tube and my 18-135 kit lens which I've never tried before. I very much appreciate your comment since I know that I need to continue learning and trying different things.
@golftragic Macro is a 'world' that I am trying to explore more.
@robz Mushrooms in the high desert sounds strange to begin with but they are here and once a year they have gathering of mushroom hunters. Thank you so much for the fav. They've shriveled up now, unfortunately.
@cjphoto It is strange to see them just show up here, high desert and all.
@jernst1779 So far so good but we go to the Canyon tomorrow for a couple of days. My sons may or may not remember to water this one. I will try again if that happens since I love basil and garlic.
@domenicododaro I admit to not noticing the blown out area because I was just happy to get some clarity in the mushroom top. I was also using an inexpensive manual extension tube and my 18-135 kit lens which I've never tried before. I very much appreciate your comment since I know that I need to continue learning and trying different things.
@golftragic Macro is a 'world' that I am trying to explore more.
@jernst1779 So far so good but we go to the Canyon tomorrow for a couple of days. My sons may or may not remember to water this one. I will try again if that happens since I love basil and garlic.