Labels and names will often prompt a buy for me, but just once, if the taste doesn't appeal. Kind of looks like the glass in this photo is drifting away too.
@golftragic Thank you so much. Buying what looks good is fun, adventure and all that...
@angelikavr Vintners are stepping up their game with much more attractive artwork- like it a great deal. Now I have two areas to choose with, name and art.
@gardencat I'm with you, I tend to remember pictures better than just names. As for the PoV, I couldn't bend down easily, I did something to my knee- getting old is the pits.
@jernst1779 Most grateful for the fav, the guy floating along reminded me of Mary Poppins so I just had to try it.
@angelikavr Vintners are stepping up their game with much more attractive artwork- like it a great deal. Now I have two areas to choose with, name and art.
@gardencat I'm with you, I tend to remember pictures better than just names. As for the PoV, I couldn't bend down easily, I did something to my knee- getting old is the pits.
@jernst1779 Most grateful for the fav, the guy floating along reminded me of Mary Poppins so I just had to try it.