Northy (@northy) asked is anyone could do her a favor ( ). I felt that I might give it a go.
I started with her original image, then
A. cropped and played with it in
B. staying in paint I made a pencil sketch and used curve adjustments a bit.
C. Took another copy of the original inverted ( in paint) it so it looked like a color film negative.
D. Took both images into Photoshop and blended them together. I tried various blending modes but settled on using exclusion blend which I'd never tried before. I also added a frame in color efex
This is the result, kinda strange but very me.
Not really sure if this 'works' or not but the process was lots of fun. I will also post this on Northy;s original discussion thread.
As this is my final year 8 image, why not go out with a bang.....
Just my opinion.