For the current macro challenge - ( ). I haven't purchased straws in so long, I bought a insulated cup/glass that came with a silicon straw which works great.
I started with my IR camera and the lensbaby sweet 35 and then added a 20mm extension tube. The result is a little other worldly.
@thistle As I was cutting the straws down to size and attaching clay which was for support in standing, my better half walked by and shook his head... @jernst1779 Thank you, I hate to see the size of the bug :):) @golftragic Straws and clay and luck or really lots of exposures. @joemuli Thank you so very much. Manual lens and extension tubes a fun combination.
@jernst1779 Thank you, I hate to see the size of the bug :):)
@golftragic Straws and clay and luck or really lots of exposures.
@joemuli Thank you so very much. Manual lens and extension tubes a fun combination.
Congrats on being selected a finalist for the macro challenge! Good luck!