For many years this turbine has been either loved or hated. Locals thought it would be to noisy for the nearby village whilst others said it would be a blight on the landscape.
There is a land that goes right by it and if you stop and listen there is a gentle whoosh as the blades go round and round. I don't mind them at all as long as it helping produce electricity. One question, did the people complain in the old days when windmills where first built.
Best viewed with the magnify button above the pic.
what a great view and photo Heather ,I don't mind them as long as not to close to housing we have one on a school field near us but it seems not to be in use.
Fair point about the windmill but the gentry would not have listened to the surfs in those days :-)
Lovely scenery, I know how huge the blades are. I retired from an electric company and they were in the process of making huge wind farms out in North Dakota. Great capture
I actually like them and they do serve a purpose, it is a tough call when placed too near people's homes but common sense should prevail. Lovely scenic shot
@claireuk Thank you Claire, fortunately this is not that near to any houses but in the middle of the countryside. I couldn't understand all the fuss a few years ago from a village over a mile away.
We have one near us, caused all sorts of bother. I kind of like them though. Can see it from my office window and some days it just catches the light the right way and I wish I had my camera...... one of these days !
Fair point about the windmill but the gentry would not have listened to the surfs in those days :-)