Look, I'm having a baby, in fact it seems to be twins. Not bad for someone who is 73 years old and can't remember anything happening. Of course it might have been a divine intervention or in other words a miracle.
This is one of my children from Mummy Christmas Cactus who will soon be a Granny. I am a bit worried about what goes on when I'm asleep, as I have several of these little pots all together on the kitchen window ledge, all sorts of hanky-panky could be happening in the dark, and they all look so innocent.
Well the writing is on the wall for this naughty one, no going back and she will have to get on with motherhood. I will of course look after it and give it some water now and then.
Do you think I should I set up a night camera, and find out which one is the guilty party, and then make them pay for it's depravity. I suppose we all have been naughty in the past, not me of course as butter wouldn't melt in my mouth, I use margarine spread instead.
A very healthy looking young one, you must be so proud.
Due to the pandemic, we should all avoid buying butter.
Together we can stop the spread, although I guess margarine spreads too.
Due to the pandemic, we should all avoid buying butter.
Together we can stop the spread, although I guess margarine spreads too.