Another day sat on my front bench in the sunshine, I noticed this on the roof of the cottage opposite me and at first wondered what it was. As I zoomed up, I could see it was a chimney sweeps brush sticking up high above the chimney.
Intrigued, I asked my neighbour what it was doing there, had the sweep forgotten it, or had it jammed up there. I was told that they were fed up with the crows nesting in the chimney and dropping all sorts of rubbish down it, including poo.
I understand the idea, but even me as Lady Magpie could get under that brush and into the chimney. They certainly wouldn't want me to poo down into their fireplace.
Ha ! they hadn't gaged the height of the brush above the chimney pot very well had they !! The crows will have a field day -- a chimney pot with a sun-brolly to shade their nest from the elements tee hee hee !!
You've got an awesome eye! And a hilarious narrative.