Have you ever had one of those days when strange things happen to you, those you can't stop. Well, the other day I was sat on the throne contemplating my navel, as you do, not a care in the world.
Suddenly I spotted movement out of the corner of my eye. it was this spider walking towards me across the bathroom floor. Do I raise my feet as it walks by, or do I swot it with my slipper.
Well, no, I can't kill anything so I raised my feet but every time I did, it stopped moving, I sure It was watching me so I decided to do the sensible thing, I got my phone out of my shirt pocket. You might think I was phoning for help; you know the RSPCI (Royal Society for the Protection of cruelty to invertebrates). or my big Brother down the road. No, I was doing what all good 365Project members do, I photographed it.
The spider satisfied that I had caught its best side, turned and walked away as I stared at it and it disappeared under the dirty washing bin. So, remember:
If you wish to live and thrive
Let the spiders run alive
When you've finished on the loo
Please make sure you've flushed the poo