The Hills are alive.. by maggiemae

The Hills are alive..

On the way to Dunedin I noticed the sun highlighting two high hills - all great farming territory!
Three good things;
1. So many wonderful comments regarding my sweet and new granddaughter, named, Sabrina Quinn Munro. No photo as yet have to get permission.
2. Great interaction from like minded book club friends! We don’t review one book, just the ones we have read recently! From the Mitford sisters in England, to Indian lifestyle in the ’50’s and to light entertainment books - the one’s that I read!
3. Doing the ‘Queen’s wave” from our Mercedes as we go past the hoi polloi” I’m kidding'
Wonderful capture. Great name for the new baby.
September 3rd, 2015  
Beautiful sunlight hills below a wonderful sky!
#1 Waiting as patiently as i can for the big reveal !
#3Work it your Majesty! Hoi polloi...not a phrase I hear very often but so descriptive!
September 3rd, 2015  
Can't wait to see a photo of Sabrina! Please share any good books you read.
September 3rd, 2015  
#3 is classic! It's fun waving at folks and seeing their reactions! Fabulous view by the way
September 3rd, 2015  
Sabrina, lovely name. Sunlight on the hills, beautiful too.
September 3rd, 2015  
@ishutter Thank you Kim for putting a comment on so many of my photos! So nice to see!
September 3rd, 2015  
Beautiful light on the hills, it's always such a pleasing sight.
September 3rd, 2015  
The hills are alive...!! Congrats on the new little babe.
September 3rd, 2015  
Pleased you have some sunlight.....bit dismal again here.
September 3rd, 2015  
very nice shot of verdant hills. you could be royalty for all those people know. you look more royal than most of the royals, mind. congratulations again on the granddaughter sabrina. i like that name, so audrey hepburn!
September 3rd, 2015  
@summerfield Do you think I look royal because of that jewelled crown I always wear when I'm out?
September 3rd, 2015  
A lovely view of the sunlit hills !! and a rather unusual name of Sabrina looking forward to see a photo of this little jewel !
September 3rd, 2015  
Love the rolling hills.
September 3rd, 2015  
Wonderful tones! Yeah for a new baby!!! I'll bet she is adorable!
September 3rd, 2015  
Congratulations on the newest member of the clan! And a beautiful shot to celebrate with!
September 3rd, 2015  
A fave for me as I love your quiet roads with these lovely fields & trees. Well that is a very impressive name that will not be repeated or copied which is excellent. Nice to be different from the 'hoi polloi!
September 3rd, 2015  
@happypat They originally thought of Charlotte but then decided it is too popular taking into consideration the new Princess Charlotte! Apparently there is some connection with the name to Audrey Hepburn - one of my favourite actresses! Gee, thanks for that fav!
September 3rd, 2015  
@maggiemae oh Sabrina has much more old fashioned name but with a modern image! I always think of Sabrina the actress or was she a singer but who ever she was you only had to say the one name....let's hope that your Sabrina makes the same mark. In a good way of course!
September 3rd, 2015  
@happypat I remember that actress too - she had a rather outstanding physique. Too long ago for these two though to know of that!
September 3rd, 2015  
Love the baby's name! Why do I feel like you are driving in the wrong direction while taking this shot?!! Maybe because all the cars are coming towards me? Beautiful view!
September 3rd, 2015  
@panthora We drive on the left here, Osia! Its confusing.
September 3rd, 2015  
Love the rolling hills. Love your granddaughter's name!
September 3rd, 2015  
Such lovely hills, and so perfectly sunlit.
September 3rd, 2015  
Beautiful shot the way you've captured the sun on the hill.
September 4th, 2015  
Beautiful capture of the light...can't wait to see photos of Sabrina
September 4th, 2015  
Lovely landscape!
September 4th, 2015  
Lovely light on the hills. Nice shot!
September 4th, 2015  
very nice !!!
September 4th, 2015  
beautiful scene, good composition and greenery
September 4th, 2015  
i can see you waving and taking pictures.
September 4th, 2015  
This looks so beautiful, just like a wonderful painting. So much to look at too. The lovely lit hills in the background and cars on the road at the bottom. FAV
September 4th, 2015  
Super shot, layers, leading lines
September 4th, 2015  
Super shot. Congrats on the new granddaughter.
September 4th, 2015  
I only know one place called Dunedin and that is in Florida!! Is this the same place you were on your way to? Great view and love the hills!!! Glad you are taking the challenge too!!! Can't wait to see what you have in store for us!! FAV!
September 4th, 2015  
@cashew No, Kathy - I am in little ole' New Zealand and its winter!
September 4th, 2015  
A lovely landscape to traverse! Very nice!
September 4th, 2015  
With the sound of I an singing ha ha
September 4th, 2015  
Lovely lighting on the hills.
September 4th, 2015  
Lovely capture and a great scene using the sunlight.
September 4th, 2015  
@maggiemae Well then, I guess you are nowhere NEAR Florida!! LOL LOL LOL Still a beautiful place and that sure looks wonderful for "winter"!!!!
September 4th, 2015  
Congratulations on your new Granddaughter - lovely name.
I love the different shades of green on this :)
September 4th, 2015  
The light on those hills is certainly beautiful.
September 4th, 2015  
That is a lovely name for your new gd. These hills look very lovely and lush in the light.
September 4th, 2015  
@beachdog Glad you think so, Barb - I'm getting used to it!
September 5th, 2015  
Awesome scene! I love the lighting and the beautiful composition! fav!
September 5th, 2015  
Lovely view, pic!
September 5th, 2015  
Love those rolling hills and how the clouds shadows gives depth to them!
September 6th, 2015  
Congrats on the new addition. Looking forward to the reveal.
September 7th, 2015  
September 8th, 2015  
Love the light on the hills
September 9th, 2015  
Lovely countryside scenery a Fav
September 11th, 2015  
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